Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Nourishing Our Souls with God's Word

 Good Morning Friends

Image- Pinterest

   I hope you are all doing well this week. This morning, I woke up a bit early because I wanted to read my Bible in peace and quiet. I must say that I am feeling so much more refreshed and content now because I have read the Lord's word. It really is the book of Life. The last few days, I haven't felt very well, but every time I would pick up my Bible, I would start feeling a bit better. God's word should be welcomed every day in our hearts and should be a treasure to us. The word of God not only brings satisfaction to our weary souls, but it's a book of instruction. It teaches us how to live, how to behave, how to conduct our lives. Yes, when I read God's word, sometimes I will come across a scripture that will convict me of my sins, but this shouldn't make us run away from God or from the truth. God's word says, "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." As David says, "Where can we go from God's Holy Spirit?" We cannot run away from the Holy Spirit and thank God for that because He is our helper, our comforter, He is the One who tells us what to do, what to say, and gives us the directions and instructions we need. 

 So here is my question, how are we nourishing our spirits every day? Are we reading God's word as our daily bread? Are we taking time to pray to Him every day or throughout the day? Are we cherishing our quiet time with Him? These are all questions that I have asked myself about 45 minutes ago. Friends, I am not trying to judge or condemn anyone, I just want you to see the importance of spending time with our heavenly Father who loves us so much. He is the keeper and watchman of our souls and He cares for us and our needs. I am reminded of Matthew 6:33, "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you." We are to seek Him first and His righteousness. How do we do this? Simply, by prayer and reading His word everyday. 

   We have to be ever so careful of what we hear and what we see. David was on top of the roof one night and he saw a beautiful woman bathing in her backyard and instead of climbing down off the roof, he continued to look. As he looked, there came a flood of thoughts into his mind and then before long, his emotions began to come alive. It started with one look, then the thoughts of his mind, then the emotions of his heart, then he began to act upon his thoughts and feelings. This is how sin began, with one look. Same happened with Eve in the garden of Eden, she took one look at the forbidden fruit. We must be ever so careful with how we nourish our spirits, we must make sure we are feeding our spirits with the right food every day. We don't want to fall prey to sin. God's word is a safeguard for us against temptation, sin, the enemies lies, etc. David said, "Your word is lamp to my feet and a light to my path." God's word exposes the darkness hidden inside of us and around us and we need it to know right from wrong. 

   So, friends, with that being said, how will you begin to nourish your spirits? Will you nourish it first thing in the morning with the news of the day, scrolling through social media, listening to someone's conversation about what they have heard or will you do like Mary? Will you sit at His feet and read His word and pray and seek His face before you begin your daily tasks? We must choose what is best for us as Jesus said to Martha. We must choose to sit at His feet, to come running to Him when He calls. We need to be refreshed daily with His word before we complete any task. I pray that you have been blessed and encouraged by this word. May the Lord bless you and keep you, until next time. Shalom!

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