Sunday, January 15, 2023

God Is Writing Your Story

 Good Morning Dear Friends!

Image- mine

   I hope everyone is doing well. I wanted to hop on here this morning because the Lord has placed a word on my heart that I believe He wants me to share with others. Yesterday, the Lord was showing me the different parts of a story. You have the characters, setting, plot, conflict, and resolution. You also have a theme of the story. As the Lord began ministering to me about the different parts of a story, what He said really impacted me. Before we dive in, I hope you have your cup of coffee or tea with you. Let's begin!

      Yesterday, the Lord spoke to my heart and said, "I Am writing your story." When He spoke those words, it really impacted me. It all began when I was watching a Hallmark movie and it was about a young woman writing a story. She stayed at a cabin somewhere in the mountains and before long this prince who is soon to be king shows up at the cabin. To make the long story short, she begins writing a story about her and the prince. Psalm 139:16 says, "Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them." I came across this scripture and thought it was interesting. God's eyes saw us when we were a seed in our mother's womb and in a book He wrote down all of our days before they even began. How awesome is this, to know that God Almighty saw us when we didn't have any arms, legs, head, etc. and yet He wrote down all of our days in His book. Hence, He is writing our story.

      So, in our story, we are the character, the main character in the story along with other characters such as our families, those we love, those we work with. The ones that we come in contact with every once in a while or just one time in our lives. We have a setting and that is where we reside. We all have a plot and that means we all have events that take place in our lives and it usually builds up to a climax which means we have some type of drama unfolding in the story such as a major problem. The problem of the story is called a conflict and the last part of a story is the resolution to the problem. Oh aren't you glad there is a resolution in our story when we have problems that arise? I most certainly am glad! 

        God is writing our stories and with our stories come problems and resolutions to those problems. Jesus said, "In this world you will have trials and tribulations or trouble, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." I used to quote this scripture all the time, but never really knew what it truly meant until yesterday. This scripture promises us that we will have problems that will arise in our lives, but at the end of those problems, we will have the victory because of Jesus who overcame this world through His death on the cross, taking the keys of death away from the devil, and rising from the grave. 

   So, He wants us to know that He is writing our story and we can trust Him. Though the problems arise, we have Someone who give us the victory over those problems. God doesn't want us to live in fear, but to live in victory. Friends, I pray that this blog post encourages you and blesses you. Be encouraged, for God will have a solution to your every problem because He is the One writing our stories. May the Lord bless you and keep you. Shalom, until next time.

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