Sunday, January 8, 2023

What Is Prayer And Why Is It So Important?

Good Morning Friends

Image- pinterest

          I hope you are all doing well! I have a new blog post for you today and I pray that it blesses and helps you like it did for me.  Yesterday I kept seeing the word prayer just pop every where I looked. I wanted to listen to some preaching and teaching of the word so, I was browsing through Youtube and I clicked on one of the videos and this ad popped up. The ad was about prayer so I listened to the lady talk about what she found out about prayer and let me tell you her words impacted me yesterday. I began thinking about all the prophets and great teachers and preachers that have come and gone through the centuries. What was their secret to impact the world that they lived in? It was prayer so before we get started, I hope you have your cup of coffee or tea with you. Let's begin!

      What is prayer? Prayer is communication with the Lord that connects us to Him. Prayer is access to God in heaven and it's an invitation to Him to come into our situations and circumstances and allows Him to work through those difficulties. Prayer is a big part of our relationship with Him, if you think about it, communication is such a big part in all of our relationships in life. It can bring us closer to others and cause distance between one another. Those that know each other well communicate often, those that do not can create a wall between them. Prayer keeps our protective hedges up from the enemy who is always looking for the tiniest crack. Also praying to God is the best thing we could ever do and the reason is because He is the only One who can comfort us when we are in distress, bring us deliverance when we need deliverance. He is the only One who can make our lives better. Even when we have problems, He is with us and will never leave us nor forsake us when times get tough.

     He is the One who can provide for our needs. I have been reading about Jesus' life and He went to His Father for everything. He also went often by Himself to pray to our Heavenly Father. How much more do we need to go off to a place of solitude to pray to our Heavenly Father? We are His children and He wants us to come to Him about everything. Do you know why? It shows Him how much we need Him, like a child dependent upon their parents. Think about it, when you were a child, you didn't have too many worries. Why, because most of us had someone to take care of us. I remember having 3 meals a day and usually a snack of some sort if we were hungry, water to drink, dessert after dinner, a bath every day, a roof over my head, clothes on my back, toys to play with, a bed to sleep in, a room to play in, went to school to learn. I could go on and on, but my childhood was provided for because I had someone to care for me, no my life wasn't perfect, but I had what I needed and even some things that I wanted.

  God is the same way, but even better! My mom had to depend upon Him to provide for us, why because she was a child of God and she knew she needed Him in her life. She couldn't do it all, if we needed anything and she didn't know what to do, she would seek the Lord about it and He would always provide. I think about our trails and tribulations that we face in life, those times that are tough are to push us to our knees to cry out to God. I used to think that I have to come to God when my attitude is right and not be frustrated, but oh no this isn't the case. You know what I found out, I found out, God will meet me right there in my times of anger, bad attitude, frustration, sadness, distress, grief, basically when my life is a total mess at the moment. He wants to hear from us, He wants us to pour out our hearts to Him and rest our heads on His shoulder. He loves us too much to leave us feeling frustrated, sad, confused, mad, and hurt. Oh how wonderful this truth is! 

   To know that we have a Father in heaven who cares about us and every aspect of our lives even the tiny details! He loves you sweet child and He wants you to know that He misses you talking to Him. He wants you to come to Him for everything, He wants you to invite Him to every part of your life. Let Him come in to your heart and let Him be a part of you. Let Him comfort you in the storms of life, let Him love you when you are hurt, let Him help you when you don't know what to do. He loves you ever so much! May the Lord bless you and keep you. Shalom, until next time! 

Image- pinterest

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