Sunday, August 1, 2021

What Is A Virtuous Woman And How Can We Become One?

 Good Morning Everyone!

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     I hope you are all doing well! I have a new blog post for you today and if you are like me, you have heard a lot about the virtuous woman or the famous Proverbs 31 woman pretty much all of your life, right? I know, I have heard sermon after sermon and teaching after teaching. Here's one thing I haven't heard, how do I become a virtuous woman, how do I use my God given gifts and talents to become a virtuous woman? We sometimes look at Chapter 31 in Proverbs and become intimidated by this wonderful lady that has so many skills and seems like super woman. We think to ourselves, I cannot do this or that or I'm not good at this or that. Little do we know that God has given us different gifts and talents to be used for His kingdom and guess what we are all different and it's completely okay! We were not created to be the same or to look alike or to be little clones, no, we are all different so that we can help one another for the kingdom of God. So the question for today is what is a virtuous woman and how can we become one? Keep reading to find out more! You may want to sip a cup of coffee or tea as we journey on to find out how to become the famous Proverbs 31 woman! 

Let's begin with finding out what virtuous means. If we go back to the Hebrew meaning of the word virtuous, we find that it is the word chayil. Chayil means strength and it usually refers to a word used in the army. So a chayil woman means a strong woman. How in the world do we become strong? By going through and growing through trials and tribulations. All those times where it seems like the trial will never end or it seems like things are never going to get better. Also trials and tribulations teach us to be patient. I know not a word everyone wants to hear, but it's true. God never lets us know when a trail is going to start and end, He wants us to endure the hardship, to make the best of a tough situation even when we are gritting our teeth the whole time, even when we want to sit in the floor and ball our eyes out, even when we do not feel like smiling or being nice to anyone. Yes being patient can be very hard, but God watches our attitude during the waiting period. So for number one, a virtuous woman is strong and she learns how to be patient. 

   Number two, a virtuous woman is consistent with her conversations with people, she is consistent in her convictions and beliefs, and she is consistent with her life. She isn't swayed by other's opinions about everything and anything. People watch how she lives her life, they weigh every word she speaks out of her mouth. She is encourager, a prayer warrior, and she also knows that her value is found in God. God values her and it doesn't matter who agrees or disagrees with her or who likes her or doesn't like her, her value and worth is in God. 

Number three, this goes along with the last few sentences that I just wrote, a virtuous woman has a rock solid relationship with God. She knows that her relationship with the Lord is the most important relationship she can have in her life. She seeks God's face continually, she reads and treasures God's word, she applies the word of God to her life, and she follows His footsteps. A woman who has a solid relationship with the Lord is immoveable. How can this be? The more she connects with God through prayer, through His word and praise and worship, she becomes unshakeable by the things of this world, by the opinions and false teachings of this world because the word of God resides in her heart. She isn't concerned about pleasing people, she is concerned about pleasing God, making Him Lord of her life. 

  Number four, she surrounds herself with people that encourage her, that are for her and not these people that really don't have anything for her. You know these kinds of people, the ones that are jealous of her, that will degrade her instead of uplift and encourage her. She knows that time is short and she needs to be wise with her time that is on this earth and to be wise about the company she keeps. If the company that she keeps is jealous of her God given gifts and talents, is constantly belittling her, then she doesn't need those kinds of people in her life, why? What purpose do they have in her life? They do not have any purpose except to downgrade her, the Bible says we are to encourage one another, to pray for one another, to help one another. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 So women of God, please be very careful about the kind of company you keep, whether you realize it or not, these kinds of people can hinder your walk with God and your destiny.

  So friends, I pray that this blog post has encouraged you and blessed you today! There may be a part two coming soon to conclude this teaching of a virtuous woman, I will to pray and seek God about it first. I hope this has encouraged you to want to become a virtuous woman of God, to live a life that is pleasing unto the Lord. You can always go and talk to Him about it, He will help you with whatever you need help with and give you the resources that you need to become a virtuous woman. He loves you so very much and He wants to give you His best and He wants to make us all a better person for His kingdom. May God bless you and keep you. Until next time! 

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