Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The Cost Of Sin

 Good Morning Friends!

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      I hope everyone is doing well this morning! I have a new blog post for you that the Lord has put on my heart to write today. Now I don't know about you, but I do not hear too many preachers or sermons preach about sin like they used to a few decades ago. To me, that's very sad because sin is very costly and we need to hear more preaching about sin and why we should stay away from it. In this blog post, we are going to dive deeper into what sin consists of and why it is dangerous and costly. I pray as we learn more about sin in this post, the Holy Spirit will examine our hearts today and that we would repent, turn from our sins, and come running back to our Father in heaven. So I hope you have your cup of coffee or tea with you; let's begin!

Let's start with the definition of sin. Sin is an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law. Here are some synonyms for the word sin: wrongdoing, offense, crime, wickedness, fall from grace, evil, immorality, profanity, etc. Looking at these words, you would think sin is horrible and unspeakable wouldn't you? Well my friends, that's just it, it is! You see, the enemy doesn't want us to believe that sin is this terrible act that breaks God's heart and brings us to shame. We may think of sin in categories such as: the little sins and the great, big sins. Little sins may be lying, judging one another, gossiping, snubbing others, thinking you are better than this person or that person. The great, big sins may be stealing, murder, committing adultery, etc. Friends, can I tell you something, there are no categories for sin, sin is sin. God looks at sin all the same, it's offense against Him. It breaks His heart when we judge one another just as it breaks His heart when someone commits murder. Lying is just the same as committing adultery with a man or woman. Also sin usually starts with pride in our heart. 

    When satan was in heaven, he was called Lucifer and his name meant morning star or light bringing. He was the most beautiful angel in all of heaven, he was also the worship leader and he could come into the Holy of holies, God's presence. He had a lot going for him until pride entered his heart, we're not sure why, but maybe it was because of his beauty or that he was leader over all the angels, but nonetheless pride entered his heart. Before long, this idea kept bouncing around in his head about how he wanted to become like God, he wanted to be worshipped, and for everyone to bow down and answer to him. Next thing you know, not only did he have pride in his heart, but it became iniquity. Can you imagine, the most beautiful angel who was a worship leader had sinned in his heart against God Almighty. It wasn't long before war broke out in heaven and God casted him out of him and created this place called hell and not only did satan get thrown out, but a third of the other angels. So you see because of his sin in his heart, he was separated from God and he lost everything, even his own name. His name went from being morning star to being accuser or adversary of the brethren. 

   Now he has been living up to his new name ever since he was thrown out of heaven, he still has the desire to be worshipped, but his new challenge now is to get God's creation (us) to bow down to him through sin. He tries to make sin look enjoyable, wonderful, even tasty, but there is a cost to pay. Paul talked about the wages of sin and it's very high and if we're not careful, we will lose everything God has given us just like satan did in heaven. Sin separates us not only from God, but our loved ones. As we let sin grab a toe hold in our life, it will eventually grab a foot hold, a leg hold, a waist hold, a neck hold, and then death. What do I mean by death? Everything in your life will begin to crumble, destroyed little by little. If you are married, your marriage will be destroyed, your job will not last, your family will become disappointed and won't want anything to do with you anymore because of sin in your life. My question is, do you want to pay that kind of price for the sins in your life? Satan's job is to steal, kill, and destroy. He will steal your peace, your joy, your love for God, your family, and friends around you. Your relationship with God will be severed because of what you have allowed in your heart. 

So friends, do you see the cost of sin? It's not worth it, it's not worth your relationship with God, not worth your peace, your joy, your family, your job, it's not worth anything that the Lord has blessed you with in your life. He has given us the chance to come to Him, to be cleansed from our sins and iniquity and to have everlasting life with Him on earth and in heaven. Jesus paid the price for our sins, He paid our way to go to heaven and to be with Him forever. He knows the wages of sin far better than us that's why He came. He didn't want to see us suffer and ultimately destroyed. He doesn't want us to burn in hell for our foolishness. Friends, if you have been living in sin and you feel as if there's no way out, I have good news for you today, there is a Way. Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life." John 14:6 Come to Him today and ask Him for forgiveness of your sins, ask Him to cleanse you and rededicate your life to Him today. He's waiting for you to come to Him today and to make things right with Him. He will make your life turn around, you will have your peace and joy back, He will make all things new again and you will be able to witness to someone about His mercy and goodness. My friends, I pray that you will make this decision today, don't wait because we are not guaranteed tomorrow or even the next moment. May God bless you and keep you. Until next time! 

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