Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Are Your Feet Standing On The Solid Rock?

 Good Morning Everyone!

Image- Pinterest 

     I hope you are all doing well this week! I have been very busy the last few days, but now I have time to relax and recharge. I was praying about what to write about this morning and this is what the Lord gave me. With everything that is going on right now, we need to make sure that our feet are standing on the solid rock. I want you to think for a moment and think about all the different things that you hear everyday whether it be on the news, people's conversations, news articles that flash up on your computer or phone screen. Most of what you see or hear usually isn't the best news right? I have had to step back and try not to get too caught up in the headlines and people's conversations. I have learned that my spirit is very sensitive and I have to make sure that I am not carrying any burdens in my heart that I am not supposed to carry. So what can we do in uncertain times like these? Who can we lean upon constantly when it feels like our hearts are failing us? You are probably saying Jesus, the Lord, God. You are right, but how do we do this? Let's find out as we dive deeper into this revelation! Before we do, I hope you have your cup of coffee or tea in hand! Let's begin!

     So how do we make sure our feet are standing on the solid rock? Well Jesus told a parable to His disciples or talmids that makes this clear. I will paraphrase this passage of scripture, Jesus said there were two men who built their homes on two different foundations. Do you know the story, if you do then you already know where I am going with this. One man built a beautiful home on the gorgeous sand by the ocean. Apparently he wanted a close ocean view. Then the other man built his beautiful home on a rock. After they built their homes, they moved their furniture in, and settled into their homes. They were enjoying their homes one day when suddenly a storm came. The waves in the ocean were getting bigger and bigger and crashing onto the shore. Well the man who built his home on the beach, his house was washed away never to be seen again. The man who built his home on the rock never moved. His home was stable, secure, and immoveable, why? His foundation that he built his home on was solid, secure, and immoveable. 

 If you think about it, sand when it gets wet, it moves, it washes out so sand wouldn't be a good idea to build on, but a rock, now that's a good foundation! A rock just sits there, it would have to take a lot of force to move it, but sand, it doesn't take much to move it around. It is the same way with our lives. What we build our lives on is going to be our foundation. So my question to you is what kind of foundation are you building your home on? Are you building your life on the trends of this world or are you building your life upon the word of God? The word of God has withstood the test of time, it has been here since God created time and it's still here today. It's still as relevant today as it was way back in the time of creation. I don't know what the year 2020 showed you, but it showed me that nothing in this world is absolute. Not even your life, look at how many lives were lost in the last year, putting politics aside. Also jobs were lost, businesses, I had to quarantine for about 6 months along with many other schools across the nation. 

    So if you build your life upon the trends of this world, your life will surely perish, why? It's not lasting, it's not sure, it's constantly moving in this direction or that direction and sooner or later, you won't know who you are or what you believe in anymore. Take a look at all the philosophers over the last few hundred years, they were supposed to be the wisest and smartest men, guess what? They were tossed around by all these ideas, trends, thoughts, and what ifs that it made some of them lose hope, some even committed suicide because they couldn't come to a conclusion. They were basing their lives on something that wasn't stable, that wasn't sure, that didn't stand the test of time. They gave up their lives to a hopeless foundation. So what about us, how can we make sure our feet are standing on the solid rock? Number one, don't get caught up in the world's foolishness such as trying to make sin and celebrating it okay when the Bible clearly says it's not okay. There are no gray areas with God or in His word, it is only black and white and for those of you that do not know what this means, it means God makes it perfectly clear on how we are supposed to live our lives. He tells us what sin is, in fact He gives several commandments on what we are supposed to do and not supposed to do. 

    Number two, we are to base our lives on the word of God, why? It will save your soul from going to eternal destruction, the horrible place we call hell. Now we don't hear that too often anymore, but let me tell you something hell is a real place and it is a place of torment and bondage. You are suffering for not obeying the Lord and His commands and as the Bible says, you will reap what you sow. Now let's make sure that we know that God doesn't send anyone to hell, that's why He sent His Son to keep us from going there. If you do not accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and live your life according to His will and His word with the help of the Holy Spirit, how you live your life will determine where you will go to spend your eternity. Number three, a relationship with the Lord is a must! If you don't know Him personally as not only your Savior and Lord, how can you tell or witness to others about Him? Do you know Him as your friend, do you know Him as your healer, your defender, your protector, your teacher, your refuge in the storm? Do you know what He approves of and not approves of? Do you take delight in His word and drawing near to Him? These are questions we need to ask ourselves daily and then draw closer to Him more and more every day. 

    So my friends, I know this was a long post, but the Lord wanted you to receive this word. I am only the messenger who takes the word that God has given me and spreads it to everyone who needs to hear this word. God loves you my friends, He wants you to stand upon His solid rock that is ever true and secure. He wants to be safe and secure from all alarm, He wants you to lean upon Him, to really know Him, to know His heart. Friends is calling you today to come out from amongst the world and to come to the solid rock, to build upon His solid rock? You won't be ashamed, you won't regret it, for He surely cares for you. Take time today to get quiet before Him and let Him show you what He wants you to do. Let Him wrap His loving arms around you and let Him take care of you today and all your needs. May God bless you and keep you. Until next time! 

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