Friday, July 9, 2021

What Are Jewish Roots?

 Good Morning Everyone!

     I hope everyone is doing well today and I hope you have had a good week! I have a brand new post that is going to be a series however the Lord leads me. I am very excited to write this series because it's a topic that is very dear to my heart! I have been waiting on the Lord to give me the words to tell more about discovering my Jewish roots. Now in this post, I am going to explain what Jewish roots are and why they matter to you. Now I know some people may not agree with this post, but I tell you that this is the truth and I only tell the truth as the Holy Spirit leads me. Before we go any further, I hope you have your cup of coffee or tea with you! Take a seat, put up your feet, and let's get started!

     What are Jewish roots? I want you to picture a tree and think about the different parts of a tree. A tree has roots that go deep under the ground. When a farmer plants a tree, it starts with a seed and the seed begins to sprout and grows roots. Roots represent the beginning, but it starts with a seed so lets go back to the book of Genesis. In the beginning God created the earth and the entire universe and everything in it. He also created the first man named Adam and the first woman Eve. So there's our beginning, our first ancestors, Adam and Eve. Now fast forward a few chapters and we meet Abraham. Abraham lived in the land of Ur which is modern day Iraq/Iran area. God gave him a promise that He would have children as many as the stars. That includes you and I friends, he would have children that weren't just Jews, but also gentiles, the grafted in ones. Now at this time, this is where God confirms His promise to all humanity. 

   Okay, now we are fast forwarding to the time that Jesus was born. Jesus was indeed a Jew. How do I know that, His mother was Jewish and He grew up learning the Jewish customs such as going to school to learn Torah (the first five books of the Bible). He celebrated the Jewish festivals that include Passover, Feast of Trumpets, Pentecost, etc. God chose the Jewish people and through their lineage came the Messiah Jesus to come to save all humanities sins. When I read the different passages of scripture throughout the Bible, all I can think of is a wonderful love story between the Creator (God) and creation (you and I). You see God chose the Jewish people and then He chose the gentiles and we were grafted in His family tree. How are we grafted in you ask? That's a great question! We receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior and ask Him to come into our lives, through His precious blood, we are grafted into the family tree. 

   Now if you don't know how a tree is grafted in with another tree, let me explain this process. I actually learned this the other day when the Lord spoke to my heart to begin writing about my Jewish roots, I knew He had been preparing me because everything fell into place over the last few days. So in my grandparents front yard, they have a beautiful persimmon tree. Little did I know that it is two trees grafted in together! My grandmother showed me the original tree that was already there, it grows persimmons, but smaller, but the one that they grafted in grows bigger persimmons. Even though the fruits are different in size, it is still the same fruit. Now picture this, the Jews are indeed a tree, but they are the original tree, our beginning and then here comes the gentiles, the grafted in tree, we are both growing together with the Lord and loving one another as we should. Isn't this amazing?! Oh it makes me excited to think about this because I know only God can make this happen! 

 My dear friends, if you have been wanting to dive deeper in the word of God concerning your Jewish roots, I encourage you to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you into all truth because He certainly will! If He shows you something new, do not be afraid or ashamed, be open and excited on your new journey! Friends, it has always been God's will for Jew and gentile to come together as one. They are a people that have suffered greatly, but have also shown much kindness yet have been mistreated. I am not ashamed to say that I love the Jewish people, I have grown to love them more and more every day because of what God has shown me. They are truly a precious people and I am thankful that God developed a plan so that I can be grafted in to the great family tree! My friends, as I have said, there will be more posts to come about this topic and I pray that God will open your heart to His word to learn more about the Jewish people and your roots. I pray that this post blesses you and has opened up your heart to something new in the Lord. May God bless you and keep you! Until next time! 

Image- Mine

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