Sunday, July 11, 2021

What Is A Jew?

 Good Morning Everyone!

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      I hope you are all doing well! I have a word for you today that the Lord gave me this morning. It coincides with our series about our Jewish roots. I hope and pray that this word blesses you and enlightens you about God and His people. Have you ever wondered what a Jew is or what does Jew mean? You have probably thought of men in black hats with long beards. Before God opened my eyes to what being Jewish is all about, I used to think like that. In church, I can remember the preacher saying, "we are to pray for Israel and Jewish people." That's all they would really say about the Jews, but since God has opened my eyes, He has allowed me to see the truth about these precious people. So if you are ready to find out what a Jew is, keep reading to find out more! 

    Jew in Hebrew means Yehudi. It comes from the word Judah or Yehuda. One of the sons of Jacob was Judah and later became a tribe which is the tribe of Judah. If you remember, whenever there was a battle between Israel and the enemy, the tribe of Judah would be the first ones to march out onto the battlefield. What would they do, they would praise and worship the Lord. Talk about confusing the enemy! The enemy would probably think, "What in the world are these guys doing?" "Do they not know that we have come to kill them and they are out here singing and dancing like they have won the battle?" Hahaha, little did they know that with God on their side, they already had the victory! While the tribe of Judah was worshipping and praising the Lord, that's when the the other tribes would begin slaying the enemy. They won that battle that day because they first began worshipping and praising the Lord. 

   So what is a Jew? A Jew is a person who worships and praises the Lord. Jesus said these words, "The time is coming when the true worshippers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth. Yes the Father wants such people." John 4:23 Let me ask you this, do you go to church every week? What do you do at church every week? Now you are probably saying well I sing songs, pray, and hear the pastor preach. So you sing songs in church, guess what if you are singing with all your heart and soul wanting to praise God, you are a Jew. Remember a Jew is a person who worships and praises the Lord. So this means that if we are worshipping the Lord in Spirit and in truth, we are all Jews or as I like to say Yehudi's! (I love to say the word Yehudi, to me it's a fun word to say)! Now what does it mean to worship in Spirit and truth? This means being lead by the Holy Spirit in worshipping the Lord, so if He leads you to shout, you are going to shout, if He leads you to lift your hands, you are going to lift your hands. When it's done with the leading of the Holy Spirit, it will be a worthy sacrifice to the Lord. He will be pleased if you only follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Worshipping Him in truth means it is done with all your heart, all your mind, all your spirit, and all your being. This means you want to worship Him no matter what people say or think. If you know what God has done for you, you have every right to worship Him, God deserves all the worship and all the praise. 

   In conclusion, we now know what a Jew is and we know that we are spiritual Jews because we are supposed to be true worshippers of the Lord. Also we are to worship Him and only Him. Our worship is not supposed to be divided, He will not be pleased with us at all. So next time you are on the battlefield with the enemy, just remember what the tribe of Judah did, they went out first to praise and worship the Lord and when they did that, they won the battle! Friends I hope you enjoyed this post and I hope it has enlightened you to want to be a Jew. A true worshipper of the King and kings and Lord of lords! Start worshipping Him with all your heart and mind, you will begin to see your problems and whatever else that may be bothering you from a different perspective! May God bless you and keep you! Until next time! 

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