Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Are You Speaking Life Or Death?

 Good Morning Friends!

Image- Pinterest

     I hope everyone is doing well and I hope you had a blessed 4th of July! I am up early this morning with something that has been burning in my heart ever since yesterday. I want to write about the power of our words. The Lord has been teaching me about this power for a few years now. The Lord will allow me to become quiet and just listen to what others are saying. Some I am surprised at and others, well not so much. You see when a non believer says something that is not according to God's will or word, I can understand that because they do not know God or what His word says about our words. As a believer in Christ, we are to read and study His word daily and commune with Him daily and friends some of things that come out of believer's mouths today are very hard to believe at least it is for me. My friends, I have heard people speak things about people or upon people that are not good and the Bible says that all of us will have to give an account for every single word that we have spoken in our lifetime. Matt. 12:36 So if you are ready to learn more about the power of your words, let's dive in! 

There is a word that God gave me a couple of years ago and it is, "War can be started by words or it can end with words." Think about this truth with me, your words can either start war or end it. I don't know about you, but I do not want to allow my words to start a war in my life or family and friends. God created everything that we see and do not see with His words. Words are very powerful! The Bible says that "the power of life and death are in the tongue." Proverbs 18:21 So my question is what are we speaking with our tongue? Are speaking life over others, over the things that God has given us or what about ourselves? I have heard people speak death over people and it's not long before they are at the funeral saying I knew that they weren't going to live much longer. Dear friends, I am asking you to please be ever so careful with your words. Jesus said we will be held accountable for every single word that we speak in our lifetime. Before you say something, think about the value of the words; are they going to encourage, uplift, be helpful and I mean truly helpful with God's love behind it. I have heard that spoken so many times that it's at the point of being abused, people will say things that they think are helpful, but they are really not, it would have been better if they had kept quiet. 

      If the Holy Spirit isn't prompting you to speak a word then don't say anything. I have learned there's nothing wrong with being quiet in fact the Bible tells us "he that keepeth his mouth shall keepeth his life: but he that openeth wide his lips shall have destruction." Proverbs 13:3 In other words, the one who keeps his or her mouth closed will have life, but the one who is constantly opening their mouth and it's not truly benefitting anyone will suffer the consequences of what they have spoken. Have you ever said something at the wrong time to the wrong person or around a group of people? I will raise both of my hands, I have many times that's why I am so glad that the Lord took His time to teach me about my words and continues to do so. What happened as soon as those words were out of your mouth? I will tell you that I either hurt someone's feelings, made them mad, or they lashed out at me. So in the end, I was upset at myself for saying such foolish words and I had to ask God to make a way for me to repair the relationship with that person. They are hard lessons, but you end up learning what and what not to say, how to say it, and when to say it. 

   To conclude this post, let me ask you this, has anyone ever hurt you with the words that they have spoken to you? I'm quite sure they have and I know for a fact, it hurt deep within you. Friends, words can either being life or death to a person, we must be ever so careful with our words. You never know if a person needs an encouraging word and in place of it, someone speaks a word of death upon them. How many lives have died or being sucked out because of words? How many dreams have been crushed because of words? What could we have said to make a difference in that person's life to give them the strength and the encouragement that they needed to press on. Please friends, whatever you do, pray and ask God to help you to speak words of life and encouragement to others. Even if they don't treat the same as you do, make sure you do what you're supposed to do according to God's word and will. You do your part and God will take care of the rest. Show a little kindness toward others and speak a word that will lift someone up today. If the Holy Spirit tells you to be quiet, listen to Him and obey because He is protecting you from something bad that will happen if you speak a word that you aren't supposed to. I hope and pray that this post has blessed you and encouraged you today! May God help us to speak life and encouragement into someone's life today! May God bless you and keep you! Until next time!

*A few more posts will be coming soon about the power of the tongue so be looking for those! 

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