Friday, July 2, 2021

Are You Using Your Time Wisely?

 Good Evening Everyone!

     I hope you all have had a good week! My week was busy, but it was good. I wanted to write today about using our time wisely. The Lord brought this before me two days ago and I began writing about it last night. The Lord made me realize that He has given us time to be used for His will and purpose. Every one of us has a purpose. You may be saying a what is our purpose? I'm glad you asked, our purpose on this earth is to spread the good news by the leading of the Holy Spirit. If you would like to know more about this revelation that God gave me, read on to find out more. Before we dig deeper, I hope you have your cup of tea or coffee in hand. I am sipping on my tea as I write this post, the tea that I am drinking is called sweet grapefruit, it is delicious! 

     Picture this, a Man that agreed before God created time that one day He would be sent to this earth to walk in our shoes, to deal with the everyday things that we do. John pens it so clearly in John chapter one verse one, "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God." Who is John writing about? Jesus, He was the Word, but He was also God. Then we come to verse fourteen, "The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us." How wonderful is this verse? He came down from His heavenly home, His home of comfort and peace into this world where there is trouble, pain, and sorrow. Now He was man, but He was also God, but He experienced joy at times, sorrow, pain, rejection, ridicule, temptation, anger, etc. He became like you and I. He walked in our shoes, He lived like us, but He came not only to save us from our sins and eternal destruction, but to show us a better way to live. Now I have mentioned this in a previous blog post if you want to know more, but today God wants you to know that the time you have right now is your preparation time for heaven. 

    You see Jesus had a certain amount of time to fulfill His purpose on earth and so do we. The Lord wants us to not only know His will, but to do His will. Time is running out and I ask you as I have asked myself, what are you doing with the time He has given you? Are you praying and reading His word diligently? Are you striving to get closer to Him every day? I know these are hard questions, these are the same questions I asked myself. What the Lord revealed to me is that there are no more excuses, He has given us everything we need to fulfill His purpose. My friends, I pray that we will be serious about the borrowed time He has given us and "use it wisely because the days are evil." Ephesians 5:16 We need to be more and more focused on Him and less on this world. We need to prepare for our heavenly home. 

  Now I want you to understand that this doesn't mean we put everything else on hold such as our family, friends, job, bills, etc. These things have a place, but we need to make sure it doesn't take God's place in our lives. His place is first and always should be first. We need to keep first in our lives and be intentional about prayer, studying His word, and yielding ourselves to the Holy Spirit more and more every day. Remember we are just traveling through this world, we are to bless and pray for this world, but this is not our permanent home. Our home is with our Father in heaven. We are here for a purpose to spread the good news whenever and wherever the Holy Spirit leads. Make sure He is leading you otherwise it will be done in vain. 

    Friends, I hope that this post blesses and encourages you to press on to the final victory. It won't be long before we see Jesus crossing the eastern sky to take us home. I pray that you be intentional and that your hearts be ready for when the trumpet sounds! What a glorious day that will be! May God bless you and keep you! Until next time! 

Image- Mine

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