Thursday, July 15, 2021

Are You Ready To Receive Your Promise From The Lord?

 Hello Friends!

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     I hope you are all doing well today! I wasn't planning on writing a blog post today, but the Lord prompted me to write a new post that I believe is going to help someone today! I want to ask you, are you currently waiting on a promise or promises from the God? Has it seemed like you have been waiting for forever? Do you ever think to yourself that maybe it was all a dream or maybe it's not meant to happen for you? If you have pondered these thoughts, I am here to tell you that you are not alone. This morning was a struggle for me because I was thinking these very thoughts a while ago. In fact, I began to cry and wonder if God has forgotten me or His promises that He has made to me. That probably doesn't sound very Christ like or faith filled, but remember we are all human. When it feels like you have been waiting for such a long time and you haven't seen any fruition of the promises, you do begin to doubt. God gave me a word that is so true and so profound that I want to share it with you to encourage you in your waiting period. So without further ado, let me share the words that God spoke to my heart a few moments ago!

    The Lord spoke to my heart about Mary, Jesus' mother. The angel came to deliver a message to her that she was chosen by God to become the Messiah's mother. What a delight it must have been to her to hear that she was chosen. She was indeed a virgin, but God was going to make a way for her to have this Child. She then spoke to the angel and told him, "Let it be done unto me according to your word." Luke 1:38 As soon as she said these words, that's when the Holy Spirit planted the seed in her womb. As time passed by, she had to marry Joseph because it wasn't looked upon nicely that a woman was with child and she was unmarried. She married Joseph and she waited for the promise that God had spoken to her through the angel. 

  Her belly grew little by little and I am sure she felt little Jesus kick in her belly. What a delight to know that you are going to become a mother to the King of kings! As her months of pregnancy grew shorter and shorter, I am sure she couldn't wait to see the promise that was spoken to her. Finally she went into labor and the birthing process began. Soon she would hold the tiny promise in her arms. As she labored for the promised Son to arrive, after some hours of pain, it all ceased because she was holding the promise in her arms. How wonderful it is to have labored for something so long and then to finally hold it in your arms. I can only imagine as she gazed at Jesus, she was reminded again of the promise that was spoken to her and she finally received it. 

     Friends, God is saying to you as He said to me, there are times of labor, but when the laboring has ended, you will receive the promise that was spoken to your hearts by God. I know the waiting gets tiresome and it seems like a huge struggle. Trust me, it's very difficult because as I am writing this, I am still waiting on my promise to be fulfilled and it seems to be taking forever. Even though I have been waiting for such a long time, I know it will be worth it when I receive my promise! All the laboring and pain will vanish away because I will be gazing at the long awaited promise that I have hoped for, for so long! Like Mary, as I gaze at my promise, I will remember the words that were spoken to me. So friends, do not give up, do not give in the enemies lies, keep moving forward today. God has a plan for you and I, it's not like everyone else's and it's not supposed to be. God created us differently and when He sees that promise can be fulfilled in the right time, He will! I pray that this word encourages you and blesses you today to keep moving forward in God's plan even if you don't understand. May God bless you and keep you! Until next time!

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