Wednesday, July 14, 2021

How Can I Honor God With My Life?

Good Morning Friends!

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    I hope you are having a good week so far, mine has been pretty busy, but I am looking forward to the weekend to rest! This morning, the Lord has laid a topic on my heart that I need to write about today. How can we honor God with our lives? Now you may say something like going to church every week, reading your Bible, prayer, etc. These are all good and we need to do these things everyday because they are important for our spiritual vitality, but let's go deeper. What if we could honor God with our thoughts, our words, our motives, the mundane tasks that we do every single day? Is it easy? No, but it is possible with God. Think about it, this is how we grow, by reading God's word and taking His word and applying it to our everyday lives even when you are cooking, cleaning, and doing the laundry. So are you ready to find out how we can honor the Lord? Do you have your cup of coffee or tea in your hand? Let's begin!

      Have you ever heard this saying, "It's the thought that counts?" I'm sure you have and I remember this as a child around Christmas or my birthday because I would receive a gift that I wasn't too crazy about and think, "What am I supposed to do with this or I don't like this." My mother would remind me later on that day, "It's the thought that counts." You know what, she was right, our thoughts do count, God knows and reads our every thought whether it's good or bad. Now I know it's a hard thing to control our thoughts, but God's word says, "We can take every thought captive that doesn't line up with God's word." 2 Cor. 10:5 Also the word of God helps us with our thoughts, the more we get into God's word, the more it changes our thoughts, it literally renews our mind just as His word says! 

    Now for our words, I have written two blog posts concerning our words and as I have said before, our words are powerful! Usually whatever we are thinking will somehow slip out. Have you ever done that before? You were thinking about something or someone and then before you knew it, the thought had slipped out of your mouth! Then you get embarrassed and ask yourself, "Why did I say that?" I have done it myself and once again, we need God's word to help us with our thoughts. So the next time you are thinking about something your shouldn't be thinking about, be sure to take that thought captive before it slips out of your mouth! God cares about our words, they not only can encourage or damage others, but they can either be encouraging or damaging to us. Picture this, you go to work on Monday morning and say a few of your coworkers have called in saying they can't come to work today. What's the first thing that comes to your mind? For me, it would be, "Great, I'm not going to get much of a break today and I am going to have the kids all by myself. I hope so and so's mother keeps them home today because I just know they are going to give me a problem." Before I know it, my attitude is in desperate need of an adjustment and my countenance is letting everyone know that I am not happy today. If I don't take all these thoughts captive, it will slip through my mouth and then that is going to make for bigger problems. Did I honor God in that scenario? Absolutely not because my thoughts were all wrong, my attitude need a big change, and eventually my words caught up with me and in the end, I didn't honor the Lord very well. 

      You may be saying right now, but I am not perfect and not every day is going to be a good day for me. I understand and I am not perfect either by any means, but if I want to honor God with my life, I am going to have to put away all the excuses and ask the Lord to help with my thoughts, my attitude, and my words. I need to ask Him to help me honor Him today. What I think might bring Him honor may be just my idea and not His. Proverbs 14:12 tells us, "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death." So be sure to ask God, "How can I honor you with my life today, show the right way to honor you." That way you don't stray off the path of righteousness. 

   And last, but not least, "And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father." Colossians 3:17 So this means, when you are cleaning up your children's messes, do it for the Lord. When you folding laundry or running errands, do it for the Lord. If you are helping a client, customer, and having a talk with a parent concerning one of your students, do it for the Lord. When a family member or loved one is sick and you have to tend to them and you are exhausted from all the work, do it for the Lord. He sees our every move, He knows our every thought and He hears our every word, make sure you are thinking, speaking, and doing for the Lord. He loves you friends and He knows your every struggle in this life and He wants to help you today. He wants to lift your heavy burdens, He wants to help you honor Him today. Let Him help you, let Him love you today as you go about your day. Don't think for one minute that He doesn't care and take notice of you. He is our Father in heaven who cares more for us in a moment than anyone else can in a lifetime. 

   Friends, I pray that this encourages you and blesses you today! I pray that we all honor God with our lives today in the way that He sees fit! I pray that He helps you with everything that you are struggling with today. I pray that He gives you renewed peace, hope, and joy today! May God bless you and keep you! Until next time! 

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