Thursday, June 3, 2021

God's Word Is A Delight

 Good Evening Friends!

Image- Mine

   I hope everyone has had a good day today. I have been very busy this week, but this morning God gave me a topic to write about and it is so good! I was studying my Bible this morning and I ran across several scriptures that were so good that I couldn't stop reading. As I was reading, I felt at ease, refreshed, and alive! Then David's words came to me. Psalm 119:16 says, "I shall delight in Your statutes; I shall not forget Your word." The word of God is to be a delight to our souls. If you want to find out more about this powerful truth, keep reading. 

    As I said, the word of God is to be a delight to our souls. Our souls crave the word of God, the Maker of heaven and earth. Have you ever picked up your Bible and begin reading and you find that you have a hard time putting it down? Let me tell you, I have been there many, many times and that was me this morning. All I wanted to do was sit at my desk and get lost in God's word. He poured out so much revelation to me this morning; it was almost like I could hear Him say, "Oh please stay My daughter, don't go just yet." Oh if you only knew how those words cut me to the core! God knows how much I love Him and that I love His word and if I could literally eat, I would! His word is life changing, reviving, refreshing, and complete healing for every wound no matter how deep. It convicts us of our sins and helps us to turn away from our sin. It leads on the right path which is the path of righteousness. It renews our minds and it is truly a delight! 

   The entire Bible is filled with wisdom, love, and it is written by the Author and Finisher of our faith. He loves us and He wanted us to have His love letters and He wants them written upon our hearts. He wants us to learn from the Old Testament as well as the New Testament because you cannot have one without the other. They go hand and hand and are equally important. His word is light unto our path and by His Holy Spirit, He will lead us into all truth. Unlike the world who will lie and lie, God never lies. He tells the absolute truth and that truth is in His word. God will show the hidden truths in His word if you will search it out. He wants us to seek Him with our whole hearts. He delights in the fact that His children are looking for Him and want to spend time with Him. Oh friends, there is something about pursuing God, such a deep intimacy of His love. When you experience a taste of His love, it's as if you are basking in a river of His pure love. There's nothing like it! 

My question to you is, have you had an encounter with God? You may say encounter, what does that mean? Encounter simply means have you had an experience with God that you know that you know it was Him? I have had those unexpected encounters where it seemed as if He was in the room with me. Sometimes I will cry, can't move, or I would stop whatever I was doing and give Him my full attention. Let me tell you if you haven't had an encounter with Him, I would encourage you to pray that you will have one with Him. It will forever change your life, you will not be the same again and you will not regret it at all my friend. 

   So with that being said, I want to encourage you my friends to begin seeking God in His word, in prayer, in praise and worship, or being still and quiet and let Him do what He wants to do in your life. My friends, I pray that this post blesses and encourages you to have a deeper relationship with Him. May God bless you and keep you. Until next time!

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