Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Where Is Your Investment? In Heaven or On Earth?

 Good Morning Dear Friends!

Image- Pinterest.com

     I hope you are all doing well and had a wonderful Memorial Day! This morning I am coming to you with something that I have noticed in the God's word. In the mornings, I usually read one of my devotionals, my Bible, and take notes in my journal. I was reading an interesting devotional and it was about investing in God. Jesus taught His disciples about about investing, how to invest in Him and explained why it is better to invest in Heaven. This is such a life changing truth and I would love to share it with you! Before we do that, I hope you have your cup of coffee with you! Are you ready to learn more, let's dive in!

  John chapter 6 verse 27 says, "Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endure to eternal life which the Son of man will give you. For on Him God the Father has placed His seal of approval." Now let's take a closer look at this scripture, Jesus is saying do not constantly work for something that isn't going to last long, but work for the things that are eternal. Now what are eternal things, what is the eternal food that Jesus was speaking about? The eternal things that Jesus spoke about are reading your Bible daily, communicating with Him not just in private prayer, but throughout the day, developing your relationship with Him. Then He goes on to say that He Himself is giving us these things and God in Heaven has stamped His approval for us to receive these things! Isn't this an amazing truth? 

 So here's my question to all of us, what are we investing in most? You may be saying well, Katherine, I have to work, I have to feed and support my family. Someone has to pay the bills, someone has to work or we do not eat? Yes, you are right and God knows this better than we do. He knows what our needs are and that is why He encourages us to work and make a living on this earth. What I am talking about is are we investing in our relationship with Him or are we investing in more earthly things such as: your job or career, people connections, serving your family more than you serve God, home, kids, etc. It can be anything, but guess what there is coming a day when those things aren't going to matter that much. 

   What will matter is how did you serve the Lord, do you know Him better today than you did yesterday or a week ago or a year ago? Are you growing in Him? Are you learning from Him? Are you making sure to keep Him first priority in your life? My friends, He loves you and knows you better than you love and know yourself. You can trust Him with your needs, your life, your everything. All He wants is for you to know Him not just know about Him. Think about it, we know about a lot of people like famous people, neighbors, coworkers, maybe even some distant relatives. A lot of people know about God, the know what they have heard or read about Him, but they haven't taken the time to get to know Him. Can you call Him your closest friend, brother, or Father? Do you know Him as your provider, your vindicator, your joy, your peace? 

    So my friends, I pray that we all take a look at how much time we are spending on earthly things instead of God. You don't have to spend several hours or the whole day everyday, some of us have to work and have other things that need to be done. I understand that, but are we giving Him the first portion of our day or in our free time, are we taking advantage of the time and getting alone with Him? I have been asking myself the same questions and I see where I need to tweak some things in my life. God deserves our time and wants us to get excited about studying His word, drawing nearer to Him, and wanting to spend time with Him! So I want to encourage you today to make an effort to make time for Him, it will be a much better investment than the investments on this earth. May God bless you and keep you! Until next time! 

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