Friday, June 4, 2021

Do You Hear The Lord's Call?

Good Evening Friends!


   I hope everyone is doing well this evening. I wasn't planning on writing a blog post, but God placed something on my heart that I need to write. I had just finished communion this evening and I kept hearing the words, "it's a privilege" in my spirit. Then it was as if God was taking me back in time in an open vision. (By the way, God does allow me to see in visions from time to time, but He shows me what He wants to show me.) He showed me myself reading His word, praying in the Spirit, praising and worshipping Him, following the leading of the Holy Spirit, and learning about my Jewish roots. I could see my face and it was full of excitement and then I could see the Lord's eyes and they were so full of delight! That's the only word that I can come up with in English because it very difficult to describe spiritual things in earthly terms. I felt so connected with God on a deeper level that I have never known. 

    As He was showing me these things, He made me realize that it is a wonderful privilege to be a child of God, to be His disciple. Now does it feel like this all the time? No, but we are not supposed to go by feelings, we go by faith. Studying His word, having the chance to have a deeper relationship with Him, and worshipping Him in Spirit and in truth is such an amazing privilege! My friends, having a close relationship with our Father in heaven is a true delight! We are His delight and He is our delight! He created us for Him, for His purpose. He wanted a people to connect with, to take care of, to cherish each and every day. 

 He wants a relationship with us and whether or not we realize it, we too in our spirits long for a relationship with Him. He is the only One that can satisfy that deep longing within us, sometimes it can be a silent cry and then sometimes we get so thirsty and hungry for Him, we don't care who's watching, we are running to Him. That's the kind of relationship He wants, a passionate relationship that says, "I don't care who makes fun of me, or thinks of me, I am running to Him." Is that you this evening? Have you had this deep longing within you that you cannot explain? Can I tell you that it is none other than Jesus Christ knocking on the door of your heart saying, "Will you let me come in and dine with you?" Do you hear Him calling out, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink." John 7:37 

   Oh my friends, let's not make Him wait any longer. There is day that is coming and it will too late to answer His call and we will miss our opportunity. Come to Him and give Him your whole heart, your life, your all. You will not regret it, in fact you will be glad that you did. Let Him give you a cup of His eternal water, you will begin to overflow with His love! So my friends, let's take full advantage of this wonderful privilege He has given us. I pray that you will answer His call and come before Him and make Him your delight! God bless you and keep you. Until next time!

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