Thursday, May 6, 2021

God Is the Nourisher of Our Soul

 Good Morning Friends!


    I hope everyone is doing well, I am up early this morning writing a post that has been burning in my spirit the last few days. The Lord has been showing me that it is vital to nourish our spirit everyday. Think about it; we have to give our body nourishment, proper nourishment. We can't live on junk food all our lives, we need protein, a certain amount of carbs, and fruits and vegetables. Why, because when we eat a balanced meal, that's how we get the proper nutrients we need to function everyday. It's the same with our spirit, we need the proper nutrition to nourish our spirit. Maybe this is why Jesus focused on the inner parts of us because if our spirit is not in right order then it would surely affect our outer. According to Proverbs 23:7, "As a man thinks, so is he." So with that being said, let's dive into this unveiled truth that I believe will help us grow in our walks with the Lord. 

    God is the Creator of not just the universe, the world, and everything in it, but also He created us in His image. What does this mean? This means that He created us to be like Him, to think like Him, act like Him, talk like Him, love like Him, we learn of Him. Have you ever hung out with someone that had some character traits that you know you shouldn't be around, but you hang around them anyway and after a little while, you begin to talk and act like them? It's the same way with God. You may be asking how is that? It's simple, the more we commune with God by reading His word, praying to Him daily, and acknowledging Him, you start to see a transformation process begin. It's amazing what happens when you come to God. James 4:8 says, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." So my question is to you is do you have some areas that you need to improve in? Are you hanging around people that have character traits that are rubbing off on you? It's okay to be honest because I have been there, we all slip up or wander off the path of righteousness. God knows we are in our walk with Him and He knows that we need His constant help to stay on the path of righteousness. He knows we are like wandering sheep and He will take His shepherd's crook and pull us back to Him. 

So you may be asking, how do I get this nourishment that you're talking about? Great question! You can do simply by communing with Him everyday. Reading His word, asking Him to take what you have read and apply it in your life. Prayer, talking to Him and not just with a wish list, but thanking Him for all He has done in your life. Protecting you and your family, for always being your Provider, helping you in every problem and situation. Let the Holy Spirit lead you in your prayer time. He will come to your aid and help you pray to God especially when you don't have the words to pray. Worship Him, I am learning I love to worship God more and more everyday especially on a rough day. It helps me to get my mind off the craziness going on around me and get my mind on Him. I rather be singing all day long of His praises than go through the day unhappy and complaining. It doesn't help a thing especially my disposition, it only makes it worse. 

  God is the Maker of our soul and He knew what He was doing when He gave us His word and all the tools that we need in our daily lives. He knew we can't make it in this life without Him, God knows we are fragile creatures and that's why we need Him every moment of every day and night. He loves you my friend and He wants to nourish your soul, let Him do that through His word, through praise and worship, thanksgiving, and prayer. Every one of us needs His nourishment today, take some time to receive what He has for you. You will be so glad you did, let Him give you what you need today. Let His love give you the comfort you need. May God bless you and keep you my friends. Until next time. 

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