Saturday, May 1, 2021

Isaac and Rebekah's Love Story

 Good Morning Friends!

Image- Pinterest

    I hope everyone is doing well and I hope you have your cup of coffee or tea with you because we are diving into one of the Old Testament passages today. This is one of my favorite passages in the Old Testament! I love a good love story, I am one of those people who love to see how God puts two people together and forms such a bond and love between them. To me, that is definitely a miracle and a beautiful testimony! We are going to see how God puts Isaac and Rebekah together, two very different people who have never met before! She lives her life, Isaac lives his life, but God interrupts their lives and puts them both together unexpectedly. Are you ready to jump into this beautiful love story with me? Let's go!

    In Genesis chapter 24 is the story of Isaac and Rebekah. I am going to paraphrase this passage. Abraham is now up in his years and Sarah has passed away. Abraham is concerned about Isaac's life and well being. He asks his servant to come and to make a promise that he will go to his homeland and choose a wife for his dear Isaac. The servant replies, "Suppose the woman isn't willing to me to this land. Must I then bring your son back to the land from which you came?" Abraham told him not to do that. He then prayed asked that God would send His angel ahead of the servant and that he was to bring a wife for Isaac. If the woman didn't want to make the journey to Isaac then the servant would be released from this task as long as he didn't bring his son to his homeland. The servant swore to Abraham that he would do it. 

   Now the servant didn't just go on his way, but he took ten of Abraham's camels and all kinds of gifts from his master Abraham. He made his long journey to find a wife for Isaac. He reached Abraham's homeland and it was evening, this is the time when the women would go out to the wells and draw water. The servant prayed that God would help him find a wife for Isaac and to show grace to his master. He began to be specific as to what the sign would be if this was the girl for Isaac. Before he could finish praying, a woman named Rebekah came out with a jug on her shoulder, she was very beautiful. She went down to the well and filled her jug and came up to him. 

   The servant asked if he could have a drink of water and she gave him some and also watered his camels. She ran back and forth to well getting water for the camels to drink. When the camels finished drinking, he pulled out a gold nose ring for her and some gold bracelets and asked who she was. She said who she was and told him that there was room for him to stay overnight. The Lord had answered his prayer and she ran off to her mother's household to tell them what happened. Rebekah's brother came out and greeted him and learned that the servant belonged to Abraham. They fed him a meal and the servant asked them if Rebekah could go and be Isaac's wife. They agreed that Rebekah should go so the next morning they were off on the journey to Isaac. Now this young lady has left everything she knows and she is going to a land that she has never been to before. 

      Can you imagine the butterflies in her stomach? On a journey to become a wife of someone she has never met before! That is faith! Once they were close to home, Isaac was out walking and he saw camels coming up the road. Rebekah looked up and saw Isaac and asked, "Who is this man walking in the field to meet us?" The  servant replied, "It's my master." She took her veil and covered herself. The servant told Isaac everything that happened and Isaac took Rebekah and brought her in his mother's tent and she became his wife and he loved her. Isaac was comforted for the loss of his mother. 

    I love this story because it proves that God is the ultimate matchmaker! Through prayer and faith, God brought these two precious people together. If you are single and wanting your husband that God has chosen for you, do not worry, God will bring you and the one He has chosen for you together. Stay in prayer, believe God that He will do it, and wait patiently. When we think of waiting patiently, we think of just sitting there doing nothing and not being too happy about it. I found out that's not the kind of attitude that God is looking for as we wait on Him. Waiting patiently means that we are to keep working and living life, but with a joyful attitude. Oh I know that is a hard thing to do. Yes it most certainly is, but God is constantly watching us and our attitudes toward our circumstances, people, etc. I am constantly reminded of this scripture, "When the time is right, I the Lord will make it happen." Isaiah 60:22 Also the scripture that God gave me a couple of years ago concerning my promise, "Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her." Luke 1:45 Why was Jesus' mother Mary blessed? She believed what the Lord had spoken to her and that He would fulfill that promise to her because she believed. You see God has His part and we have our part, He can't fulfill anything if we aren't doing our part by believing what He said He would do. So my friends, I pray that you will be blessed by this blog post and that you will be encouraged! May God bless and keep you! Until next time! 

Image- Pinterest 

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