Sunday, May 9, 2021

Are We Following God's Example?

 Good Morning Friends! 

Image- Pinterest

    I hope everyone is well and having a lovely morning. I want to say Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers, grandmothers, spiritual mothers, adoptive mothers, and also to the mothers that are no longer with us. I pray that the Lord blesses you on this special day! I woke up this morning wanting to write a blog post and there are two scriptures that I have been meditating on since yesterday. I was in deep prayer yesterday and God kept speaking to my spirit about an example. He revealed that the example was Him and we are to follow Him. What He revealed yesterday was shocking and mind blowing. It really made me take a step back and think to myself, "Am I following His example?" If you would like to know more, keep reading to find out. I hope you have your cup of coffee or tea with you and without further ado, let's dive in! 

    The two scriptures that He brought before yesterday were, "I follow the example of the Lord, who is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and plenteous in mercy and loving-kindness." Psalm 103:8 The other one is Ephesians 4:31-32, "I will let all bitterness and indignation and wrath and resentment and quarreling and slander be banished from me with all malice. And I will become useful and helpful and kind to others, tenderhearted, forgiving others as God in Christ forgave me." Now I know that is a lot, but the Lord pointed out key words in these scriptures and I haven't been able to get away from them. It's as if it's being replayed in my mind over and over again. The key words in the first verse are, "I follow the example of the Lord." and in the second verse, "And I will become useful and helpful." As I was asking the Lord to give me understanding of these key words, I kept seeing my Bible sitting in front of me. I began flipping the pages of my Bible and I realized God's Word is the instruction He has given me to help me follow His example.

   God gives us commands to follow and in order to follow them, we must have His help to do it pleasingly to Him. We can try to do it our way, but that doesn't make it right, we must do it God's way. Jesus came as God in the flesh to be an example for us, to follow Him, to learn of Him. How do we learn of Him? By reading His word and taking His word and applying it to our lives and praying to Him daily. Paul says we are "living epistles. " An epistle is a book, so many unbelievers are not going to open up God's word to read it for themselves, but they watch the Christians and see if there's a difference in our lives versus theirs. So with that being said, I learned we have to be careful with what we think, say, and do because someone is always watching whether we realize it or not. Now are we perfect, absolutely not, but when we do fall, we need to confess our sin, ask God for His forgiveness and then get up and keep moving in God. 

    Can I be honest, that's what I had to do this week. This past week has been a tough one, I was letting a lot of things and people at work bother me, anger me, and finally it got the best of me and I said some things that I shouldn't have said. I was letting fear and anger come in to my heart and as God's word says, "But the things that come of out of the mouth come from the heart." Matt 15:18 This is why it is vital to guard our hearts and if God reveals anything that's in our hearts that shouldn't be there, we need to deal with it immediately. I am learning that anger is dangerous and we must ask God for His help. He knows our weaknesses and He will use them for His glory. Once I repented of what I had said, I had to get to the root of the problem which of course was anger and fear. The Lord revealed to me that I had to receive His love to cast out the fear and anger. Let me tell you, my anxiety went away immediately and I had so much peace! 

     Now moving onto the next key words, "And I will become useful and helpful." The Lord revealed to me if I ask Him to remove anything out of my life that isn't pleasing to Him, then that's when He can use me. My prayer since I was 20 years old has been, "God, I want you to use me." Well I realized God can't use me if I have all this junk in my life. The junk in this life will get me off balance and I won't be open to God because my heart is full of all this stuff that doesn't matter. So what I did was I went in my room and got on my knees and starting asking God to remove all these things in my life so that I will be useful and helpful. Once He removed all the junk, I was able to think clearly, I felt so clean and God gave me a new perspective. Every day that He gives us is a new day to transform us more and more like Him. 

   So friends, I pray that this post helps you and encourages you today. I pray that if you are struggling with your weaknesses or the junk in this life, that you will give it over to God so that you will be useful and helpful. My friends, when I learned this truth, it has truly transformed my thinking and it made me realize that I have purpose in this life. So many times we think, "What is God doing with my life, how is He is using me for His kingdom?" I have been there so many times, but He does use us if we are open and keep all the worldly stuff out of our heart. Do we always know when He is using us, not all the times. I believe sometimes it's as simple as smiling at someone or saying good morning to a person. We don't know what people are going through and sometimes just acknowledging that person gives them a boost of encouragement. As I said before someone is always watching whether we realize it or not so we have to be careful to live according to God's word and will. God bless you and keep you my friends! Until next time! 

By the way, I am thinking about starting another blog post series about becoming a godly woman soon! 

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