Friday, April 16, 2021

Worship Creates Intimacy With God

 Hello Everyone! 

Image- Pinterest- this picture is from The Chosen series. (I love watching The Chosen)

    Well today is Friday and I am so thankful! It has been a very busy day and I am glad to be home! I hope everyone has had a good day. I have had worship on my mind this week and I can't seem to get away from it, but I want to take us a little bit deeper into worshipping the Lord. I want to tell you what I have experienced in my walk with God and what He has shown me. Worship creates intimacy with God. Some of you are probably saying, "What in the world are you talking about?" If you want to find out, keep reading as we dig deeper into this level of worship.

   There are different levels of worship and I can tell you that this level is very deep. I have been in church when my whole entire being just wants to worship God and nothing else. As I said in my previous post, it was like it was just God and I, no one else. My heart feels as if it could fly! There is nothing like worshipping the Lord in Spirit and in truth because you feel so much freedom! Some of the most beautiful encounters that I have had with God have been while I was worshipping Him. I know I am pouring my heart out, but I am speaking of what I know and experienced. God is so worthy of our praise and worship. 

    We are called to be His worshippers. He is our Creator and He has breathed His very breath in us and He gets all the credit, glory, and praise! If you have never experienced this level of worship before, I want to encourage you that you would start praying that God would help to worship Him in Spirit and truth. When I began worshipping the Lord like this, I used to wonder what is everyone going to think, what are they going to say? Can you tell you after a while, I couldn't hold it back anymore, I had to worship Him. As Jeremiah said, "It's like fire shut up in my bones." Jeremiah 20:9 To me it's like a taste of what Heaven is going to be like, worshipping God Almighty all day every day. 

   Will you answer His call to become a true worshipper? Will you please Him with your sacrifice of praise? Will you come before the Father and give your whole heart to Him in worship? He's waiting on you and longing for your whole heart, your sacrifice of praise. Oh please do not make Him wait, answer Him with a simple yes and He will change your life. I know it hasn't been easy, but Jesus said that we wouldn't have trials or tribulations, but that He would never leave us nor forsake us. If He brings you to it, He will surely bring you through it. My friends, I pray that you would answer to the Lord whatever He has been laying on your heart to do. I also pray that you would know the freedom that you can have when you worship Him in Spirit and in truth. May God bless and keep you friends! Until next time! 

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