Saturday, April 17, 2021

Are You Living In The Freedom That Jesus Gave and Died For You?

Good Evening!


Today has been a much needed relaxing day for me. I have been catching up on some blog content that I have been working on. Cleaned house a bit, ironed clothes for next week, and made my grocery list. So today I wanted to talk about living in the freedom that Jesus has given us through the Holy Spirit. The other day, I was so exhausted from work and I was browsing through Pinterest and I came across this scripture that I have read at least a thousand times. It was as if the scripture leaped off the screen at me and immediately God had revealed to me what this scripture really meant. It was like I was reading this scripture for the first time with a new pair of glasses. Earlier that day, I was struggling and I went to the bathroom for some peace and quiet and to pray. (How many of you do this or have done this before?) I told God that I was tired and asked Him for a word that would get my focus off of everything that wasn't going well that day. Well that's when this scripture hit me and God made this scripture so real to me! So without further ado, let's dig into this scripture! 

    I didn't realize it until the Lord showed me that I was carrying way too many cares such as work, circumstances that I cannot control, worrying about the future, what's happening in this nation, basically I was picking up all kinds of cares and carrying them in my spirit. The Lord spoke to my spirit and said, "My child, you are tired and stressed out because you are worried about too many things?" Do you know who that reminded me of? Martha in Luke Chapter 10 verse 41. He then went on to explain to me that I have the Holy Spirit living inside of me and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Cor. 3:17 I thought and thought about it and said, "You're right God, I am free because Your Spirit is living within me and if He is living in me, I am free." It was such an eye opening moment and I couldn't help but thank God for revealing this to me! God is so good to me even when I know I don't deserve it, but He is always helping me in some way or fashion. God only knows where I would be without Him. 

   So you're probably thinking, how do I apply this to my life? That's a great question, the answer is by going to the altar. I am learning right now if I feel any kind of heaviness or if I may be carrying something that I need to give to God, I go to the altar. Now let me clarify, when I say go to the altar, I mean wherever you are, you stop right there and say Lord, this is out of my control and I need to give this to You. The altar can be in your car, in the bathroom, walking down the hallway, at the workplace, in the grocery store, wherever. God did not want us to be stressed out over every little thing or bad thing that happens, He said, "Be of good cheer." John 16:33 

   Like Martha, we tend to take on more stress than needed, but like He told Martha, "You are worried about many things, but only one thing is necessary and Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken from her." Luke 10:42 There are key words in this verse such as, "only one thing is necessary" and "Mary has chosen what is better." What was the one thing that was necessary? What did Mary choose that was better? It was spending time with Jesus. You see that's the key that the Lord was trying to show me, I was caught up with the cares of the world and God wanted me to come and spend time with Him to get my mind off of all my cares. Why, because He knows that if we will concentrate on Him, He can give us the peace we need, the joy we need, the answers that we need. There is fullness of joy in His presence. He doesn't want us to pretend that we don't have cares, but to cast them upon Him and keep our focus on Him because He cares for us. 

   So next time you feel frustrated or stressed out, go to Him and cast all your cares upon Him so you can live in the freedom that He has given you. He loves you my friends and He cares about your well-being. When we get tangled up in the cares of this world, it's hard to live in freedom because we are being pulled back into bondage. Learn to cast your cares on Him and spend time with Him and you will be able to walk and live in the freedom that He wants you to have. May God bless and keep you my friends! Until next time!

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