Thursday, April 15, 2021

What Praise and Worship Can Do

 Good Evening Everyone!

 I hope everyone is having a good week so far, mine has been good and very busy! The past few days, I have had in my spirit to praise the Lord even in the most difficult circumstances. The past month and even the past year has been very difficult for everyone. Many have lost loved ones, jobs, income, homes, have been battling sickness. I can tell you it was difficult and at one point depressing. The wonderful thing was God kept encouraging me and telling me not to lose hope, but to keep my hope and trust in Him. God was with me every step of the way even when I couldn't see the next step in front of me. I discovered that praising and worshipping the Lord kept my eyes on Him. Have you ever been so discouraged that you didn't see a way out or have any hope left? I believe we all have been there. God showed me the secret of what praise and worship can do! Do you want to find out? Let's dive in! 

   God is such a gracious Father and He wants His children to live the life that He has spoken over us even before we came out of mother's womb. We are all called to worship Him in Spirit and in truth. What does that mean? How can one worship the Lord without the Holy Spirit who knows the Father more than anyone. He is our Guide and He knows the way to our Father's heart so why not worship Him in the Spirit. ( I will pray about sharing my testimony of receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit in another post.) What does in truth mean? That means not just going through the motions just because everyone else is doing it, that means you are worshipping Him with your whole heart. You don't care what anyone else says or thinks about the way you are praising the Lord. If the Holy Spirit leads you to shout, shout. If He leads you to dance then dance before the Lord like David did. David worshipped the Lord with his whole heart one day and his wife wasn't happy nor nice about it. 2 Samuel chapter 6. 

    Worshipping the Lord takes our focus off of us, our problems and puts our focus on God. It allows us to lay down our heavy burdens and give it to God. Praise and worship is a sacrifice unto God. When you start to praise and worship the Lord, you will find it hard to stop, it's as if it's just you and God, no one else. Worshipping the Lord catches God's attention, He adores a true worshipper like David. David was a man after God's heart. 1 Samuel 13:14 Why is that because David worshipped God and God loved it! Praise and worship is showing love for God and in return God fills us with His love. You will experience great joy and peace when you start worshipping Him. It also changes your heart and sets the atmosphere for God's presence. Moses knew this secret because he prayed Lord show me Your face because he worshipped God Almighty and he became so filled with the Lord that he wanted to see His face. Worship is truly powerful especially when it's Spirit led. 

  So, my question is, are you a true worshipper or have you just been going through the motions? I know there's days when you don't feel like praising the Lord, but that's when it's the real sacrifice. The words I offer to You a sacrifice of praise in one of worship songs weren't put in there for no reason. It is definitely a sacrifice and He deserves all of praise and worship! He wants your heart my friends, all of it. Won't you give it to Him, He will transform you and you won't regret it! Start praising and worshipping the Lord every day and watch how He will change your life! Welcome Him in and you will find out, you won't want Him to leave. You may think how is the possible? With God, all things are possible. He won't fail you, in fact, He will exceed your expectations. My friends, I pray that this post encourages you and blesses you, may the Lord continue to bless and keep you! Until next time! 

Image- Pinterest 

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