Thursday, April 22, 2021

Having a Relationship With the Lord

 Good Morning Friends!


  I don't know about you, but for me it has been a very busy and trying week! The Lord always has a way of letting you know when you are doing too much or worrying too much. Earlier this week, I was distraught about many things and I wasn't getting much sleep. The Lord made realize that none of the things that I was concerned about was in my control and I needed to give it over to Him and let Him handle it. The Lord showed me that having a relationship with Him is so important especially in those times when you don't know what to do and everything around you seems to be falling apart. Before we go any further, do you have a cup of coffee or tea nearby? I hope so, without further ado, let's dive in!

  What does a relationship with the Lord look like? Well, it reminds me of Adam, Noah, Jacob, and all the rest of the people in the Bible, they usually had an encounter with God and then their lives were forever changed and they depended upon God for everything. Adam walked and talked with God in the cool of the day. Genesis 3:8 Noah received instructions from God to build this massive boat to protect Him and His family and also 2 of each animal on the earth during the flood. Noah had never seen rain before and everyone thought he was a big joke until it rained. He obeyed and kept his trust in God. One of my favorites is Ruth, she had married one of Naomi's sons and Naomi's husband and both of her sons died. After this had happened, she was trying to decide what to do whether to stay in Moab or go back to Israel. A messenger from Bethlehem came and told Naomi what God was doing and that God revived the land and the people. On her way to Bethlehem, she told both her daughters in law to go back because she couldn't bear any more sons. One turned around, but Ruth clung to her and vowed to her that she would never leave her side. She journeyed with her and found out what Naomi's God was all about, she risked everything for a different life. In the end, God blessed them both. 

  Throughout the Bible, we see so many examples of different relationships with the Lord. God's greatest desire is to have a relationship with His children. Adam and Eve messed that up in the garden, but through God's Son Jesus, He restored us back to Him through having a relationship with Him. In the very last chapter of the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon has reached the end of his life and his words of wisdom are, "Here is the final conclusion, now that you have heard everything: fear God, and keep His mitzvot (commandments), this is what being human is all about." So Solomon learned that the most important thing in this life to is to have a relationship with the Lord. To love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. To love God with all your being. He created you to have a relationship with Him. Some people think if I memorize all the scriptures, that will be enough. If I do all the good in my life, that will be enough. If I am good person, that will be enough. My friends, unless you have asked our Lord and Savior Jesus into your life and He has forgiven you of your sins, all the scripture memorization, all the good works is not enough. You must know Him. 

   It's like a relationship with your parents or spouse, you have to communicate and spend time together to build a relationship. How do we form a relationship with God by spending time with Him in His word, praising and worshipping Him, learning to trust Him by going to Him first before anyone else, also in prayer, prayer is communication with Him. Giving thanks to Him for all that He has done for and believing Him for what He is going to do for you. My friends, He wants your time, He wants your heart, He wants you! He loves you ever so much and His love for you will never run out. Just like a parent loves their child or children no matter what. They may do something that you don't like, but that doesn't mean you stop loving them, it's the same way with God. 

  This is basically just an introduction of what a relationship means and looks like, there's so much more to a relationship with the Lord. I will do another post that goes more in depth in the future. My friends, if you don't know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then I encourage you to accept Him today as the Lord of your life. It will be the best decision you will ever make! If you need to develop a relationship with Him or go deeper in Him, then go for it! Spend quality time with Him, make it count, learn how to please Him instead of man. Learn to take His yoke upon you for He says it is easy and light. Love Him with your entire being! I pray that you will make a decision today concerning your relationship with Him, He's waiting today. May God bless and keep you my friends! Until next time! 

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