Sunday, April 25, 2021

Having a Relationship with the Lord part 2

 Good Morning Friends!


      I hope you are doing well this morning, I wanted to share another blog post about having a relationship with the Lord. I want to talk about how important it is to read your Bible daily. I will explain what happens when we don't and also I want to touch on making time for prayer. Before we get started, if you don't have your morning cup of coffee or tea, go make yourself a cup! Let's jump in to why Bible study is important.

        Let me give you a little backstory, I was at work this week and everything around me feels as if it's falling apart, multiple problems at once, and I am frustrated and irritated. I come home after an exhausting day telling God I don't know what happened, what's going on? Next day, same thing, it's like life hits you all at once. This went on and on all the way to Friday. I thought maybe it's the end of the year funk, maybe I'm just really tired and need some rest. I get on my knees to pray and I get really still and quiet and I hear the Lord say to my spirit, I want you to get in My word and rest in My word. Now being honest, because it was a very busy week, I didn't have that much time to read God's word. I would plan and try to make time, but it was like you were being pulled this way or this would come up or that. It left me a wreck! I have always cherished my quiet time with God because I can get away from all the distractions, the confusion, the problems, and people and focus on Him.

    God was letting me know that all the things that I had been doing and tending to this week should not take the place of my quiet time with God. The scripture came to my mind yesterday, "Come to me all who are weary and heavy burdened and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28 God saw me running around like a crazy person trying to do this and do that and it got to a place where I couldn't do it anymore because it was draining me. The Lord even spoke to me about finding a quiet place at work to spend some time with Him on my lunch break. I don't know about you, but there are times when you just need some quiet, no people around, no conversations, no trying to multitask while eating lunch, just peace and quiet. I listen to chatter from the time I get to work till the time I leave and then come home to more chatter. 

      The Lord also showed me that no one and nothing in this world should take His place in my life. He is to be number one in my life and He is to always be number one. If He is not number one, we are going to run into some major trouble. Our purpose on this earth is to live for Him and serve Him. How do we live for Him and serve Him? By reading and obeying His word, applying it to our lives, communicating with Him all throughout the day, finding a quiet place to spend time with Him with no distractions. Satan loves to use distractions such as phones, people, thoughts that come into your mind such as: "Oh I forgot to turn off the oven, I forgot to call so and so back, I forgot this, I forgot that. Did I remember to do this or that?" This is where we plead the blood of Jesus over our minds, ask God to block any thoughts that may distract us from talking to Him so we may be able to concentrate on what God is trying to reveal to us. He can have people interrupt you time of prayer and Bible study, or the phone starts ringing. Satan knows the power of prayer and he will do any and everything to get us to stop, we cannot allow his schemes to stop us. 

      So my question to you is have you been like me this past week, stretched thin, frustrated with everything and everyone? Have you been putting your relationship with God on the back burner telling yourself that you will get around to it? Do you need take time with Him today and make things right with Him or anyone else? Do you need some rest, peace and quiet? Make your relationship with God your number one priority. God said He will take care of the rest if we seek Him and His righteousness. God knows our every need and care, come to Him today and spend time with Him through prayer and reading His word. There may be something He wants to tell you or show you today that you need. Ask God to show you a quiet place and a time to meet with Him everyday. Don't neglect the most important thing or rather Person. He is our source, our Father in heaven who we so desperately need, He wants us to come to Him and to love on Him. Give Him what He so desperately wants, give Him your love, your heart today. He longs for you like your soul longs for Him. Nothing and no one in this world can satisfy you like Jesus. He is your Creator and He created you, let Him give you what you need today. My friends, I pray the Lord bless you and keep you! I pray that this post encourages you and your relationship with God. Until next time! 

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