Friday, April 30, 2021

Stepping Out In Faith

 Good Morning Friends!

Image- Pinterest

I hope everyone has had a good week, I am so thankful today is Friday! My week has been busier than usual, but overall, it was a good week! This week, I have been very much in prayer about finishing up my associates degree. I always try to make it a rule that before I jump up and do anything, I consult the Lord about it. When Covid happened last year, I had just transferred colleges and switched degrees. It was time for a change and I knew I could not keep going in the direction that I was going. So during the quarantine time, I poured out my heart before God asking Him, "Where are You taking me? What do I need to do with this life You have given me? What is it that You want me to do?" I asked Him daily sometimes several times a day because I wanted to make sure I am not doing something that I am not supposed to do. This morning I want to talk about stepping out in faith, this is what I had to do this week. To find out more, keep reading, but before you do, go grab a cup of coffee or tea to sip on as you read. 

Yesterday morning, I got down on my knees and began praying asking God that this would all work out and to make sure that this was His will and not mine. I prayed and prayed for a while and then these words came to me. "Step out in faith." I sat there for a moment and said, "Okay Lord, I am going to step out in faith and trust that You are going to make it all work out." As I finished praying, I had peace as I went about my morning. Then as I began my work day, the enemy decides to show up and try to talk myself out of what I had thought about doing that day. I could feel a spirit of fear creeping in and the morning was full of confusion. If anyone has walked with the Lord long enough and He gives you a word, it's not long before the enemy shows up and he's trying to talk you out of it. I went to the bathroom for some peace and to pray. I felt the peace that I had that morning come again. I said to God, "Okay Lord, help me to trust You even though I don't know how You are going to work it out. 

It was about 3:30 that afternoon and I was leaving work and thinking about the phone call that I would receive just an hour later. I prayed again and said, "God I know this may sound petty to some, but this is important to me. I know nothing is too hard for You and I want to make sure that this time I am doing what is right." You see all throughout my years of high school, it was drilled in our heads about finding the right career and going to college. When I graduated high school, I didn't go to college right away, I got a job working as a substitute teacher. So I thought I could get a degree in teaching. I applied and worked at it, but as the years went by, I knew that this wasn't working and that's when I had to have a long talk with the Lord. That's when I realized I just need to get a general studies degree and if I need more education later on, I could do so and it wasn't a bad thing. 

So I finally got the call that I was expecting and I have to say that everything fell into place and the sweet lady that I spoke to me had so much encouragement that I needed. God not only opened up the door, but He gave me the blessed assurance to let me know that this was the right decision. I stepped out in faith and He didn't let me down, He went above and beyond my expectations and prayers! Friends, if you are needing to make a decision, I encourage you to pray about it and to step out in faith and see where God takes you. If He did it for me, I know He'll do it for you! "God has no favorites." Romans 2:11 God has a way of working everything out even the tiny details. We don't know how He is going to do it, but that's where our faith comes in. Are we going to trust Him that He will work everything out for our good or do we think we need to do it in our strength. If we think we can do it on our own, let me tell you, it will be a mess for sure, but if we let Him do it, everything will fall into place! God bless you and keep you friends and I pray that my story from this week will encourage you with whatever you are facing today! Until next time! 

Image- Google

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