Sunday, April 4, 2021

Happy Resurrection Day!

Good Morning Everyone!

       I want to say Happy Resurrection Sunday to you all! The word that came before me this morning was new life! I cannot tell you how excited I became when I heard those words in my spirit! Yesterday I went for a walk outside and all around me I kept seeing new life, new leaves on the trees, new grass, new flowers, and birds singing and flying through the air. There's something about the season of Spring, it's so full of life! In the seasons Fall and Winter, everything starts winding down and becoming dormant and to me, it often gets pretty quiet. You do not hear too many birds singing because many of them have flown south for the Winter. The trees become barren and the grass begins to die. As soon as Winter is over, everything comes back to life again and we start the process all over again. My question to you today is are you in need of new life? Do you need to be revived by the Holy Spirit? Do you need a fresh encounter with the Lord? Dear friends, I want to tell you, He knows your every need and He will meet all of your needs according to His riches in glory. 

       He loves you dear friends and I know this past year has been difficult for everyone. It's been a hard season and there were times when even I was in a state of depression and thinking that it wasn't going to get any better. Oh friends, I believe that is changing, God wants you to know that He hasn't forgotten you and He will help you in every difficulty, every situation, every problem that you are facing and will face! He promises to be with you and never leave you nor forsake you. He knows your pain because you see when He came into this world, He had to walk our walk. He had to identify with us. Why, so that He could become the ultimate sacrifice! He died for you like He died for me. He knows and feels our every pain, it's not foreign to Him because He went through our pain! He took upon Himself our sins and iniquities. He did it so that we could have new life in Him! With Him, He makes things possible, He makes life easier and when He comes in and takes over, He changes us! 

       My next question is do you want to be changed, do you need a change today? He can do that as well! He gives us joy when we should be in despair, peace in the midst of the storm, He offers grace to us when we deserve punishment. He is such a good Father! I want to tell you today on this Resurrection Sunday that He has new life for you, even at this moment. He wants you to know that He cares for you and whatever you may be facing today, He will see you through! He wants you to forget all the bad that has happened, the past and move forward today. If you need repentance, then ask God to forgive for any wrongdoing against Him or anyone else. He's ready to forgive you and once He has, that's when you move forward to see what He is doing next. God is always on the move even when we can't see Him moving, He's getting things prepared behind the scenes. My friend, give your whole heart to God today, make things right with Him and press on! May God bless you and keep you my friends and I pray that you will receive new life from Him today, in Jesus' name, Amen! 

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