Friday, April 2, 2021

Sabbath, What Is It and Why Is It Important?

 Good Evening Everyone!

           I am back with a new blog post and just in time for the Sabbath! What is the Sabbath and why is it so important that our heavenly Father would mention and establish it in His word? Why are we commanded to keep the Sabbath? You may be saying to yourself, that's old testament stuff and that doesn't apply to me for today. My question is why do we take vacations or get away or travel or take sick days from work? When we are stressed out, the doctor recommends us to get some rest. My friends, God knew what He was doing when He established the Sabbath. If you are interested in learning more, keep reading, if not, you may leave and go back to whatever you were doing. Before we dive in, I have my cup of tea sitting beside me so go fix yours and let's get started!

      What is the Sabbath, it simply means a day of rest and day to worship our Lord and Savior! When God began creating the universe, He took a break once He was finished by resting. Jesus said in Mark 2:27, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath." So God blessed us by giving us a day to rest from work whether it be at the workplace or house work. God knows that we are human and we become burned out and tired so He gave us a day to rest so that He could refresh us. Now praise the Lord we have the weekend and we not only get one day to rest, but two! We also have holidays as well to rest! God is so good! 

     So you may be saying to yourself, okay so how do I keep the Sabbath if it's so important? Good question, on Friday when I get home from work, I like to tidy up my desk and room and get rid of any clutter that may stress me out. Cleaning up always makes me feel better because I can breathe and think clearly without seeing piles of stuff here and there. I like to get a good bath or shower in the evening. I also will play some praise and worship music to allow me to focus on the Lord. After dinner, I like to pray and partake in communion as a way to end the week with the Lord. I like to light candles or use my diffuser. Before bed, I like to read a passage of scripture before I drift off to sleep. Also, this should be no surprise, but I like to have a cup of tea! 

           So with that being said, I still dedicate my Sunday to the Lord after all it is the Lord's day. I try to prepare my heart that morning with prayer, reading my Bible, and praise and worship. I will go to church and for the rest of the day, it's usually pretty relaxed and slow. Toward the evening, I will prepare for the next day by laying out my outfit, preparing lunch, my bag, etc. So even though God told us to rest, He meant from the stresses and cares of this life. So please know that I am not saying you have to nothing all day. I understand that if you work a full time job, Saturday is usually the day to catch up on laundry, grocery shop, pay bills, etc. Saturday is usually the day that I will go in the morning to grocery shop, put gas in my car, etc. God knows that I need to have food during the week and gas in my car. What I try to do is while I am on my way to run my errands, I will either listen to a sermon, play worship music, or pray. God and I have a wonderful conversation in the car, I look forward to those times with Him because I am away from distractions. So my friends, I pray that you will be encouraged to treat your day of rest as a blessing from God and that you will bless God for giving you a day to rest! May God bless and keep you friends! 

Image- Pinterest

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