Friday, March 19, 2021

Is your heart hot, cold, or lukewarm for God?

 Hello Everyone!

Good morning friends, I pray everyone is doing well. Yesterday evening I was reading about having a lukewarm heart for God in one of my devotionals. As I was reading it, I was captivated and convicted all at the same time. When I hear the word "lukewarm" I think about my coffee getting lukewarm or as a child I would have to take a lukewarm bath and I didn't like it at all. As we dive into what a lukewarm heart is to God, go grab a hot cup of coffee or tea whatever your choice, take a seat and let's begin!  

Picture this, you get up early in the morning and you are looking forward to sitting down with a hot cup of coffee. You fix it like you want it and you set it down somewhere and then you remember, I need to make a grocery list so you find a pad and pen and start writing everything that you need. Then you look at the time, I need to start making breakfast, so you find the eggs and bacon and start whisking away. Once you get breakfast started, you realize I haven't even had a sip of my coffee yet. So you take a sip of coffee and you make a wrinkly face. Why? Your hot coffee has now become lukewarm and you try not to spit it out because that would be impolite. After this, you find you do not want your cup of coffee anymore. If you're anything like me, I either want a hot cup of coffee steaming in my face or I love a good iced latte! (iced caramel latte from Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts anyone?) When I take a sip of my coffee and it's lukewarm, I don't desire it anymore. I usually pour it down the drain. So my question is how's our heart for God? Is it hot, burning for Him? Is it cold, do we have any burning embers left for Him or do we need Him to give us a restart and revive His love in us? Are we lukewarm, have we gotten caught up with the ways of the world and it's temporary treasures? 

I want us to see that this is an important issue and it has to do with our heart. Remember my blog post from yesterday, God sees the heart? Well, what does He see in our heart? Would He be pleased? Do we have any idols of this world that have invaded His space in our heart? Idols you ask? Yes, idols such as: money, job, career, wife/husband/children, family/friends, success, whatever you think about the most and spend most of your time on is an idol. It can even be your favorite tv show, the tv itself, phone, technology, etc. Exodus 34:14 says, "The Lord is a jealous God." So my next question is are we making Him jealous? You may say well if I am, I didn't know. That's okay, you know now and that means since we now know that having other people or things in this world before God which makes Him jealous; we need to need to take time to examine what place does God have in my life? Is He in His rightful place which is first or is somewhere down the line or worse when I need Him, I will call on Him. 

Friends, all I am trying to say is we need to get serious about our relationship with God. He's not looking for a halfhearted Christian or let me live life first and then I will make time for God. No, that will not work in the kingdom of God. Friends, Jesus laid His life down for us, He didn't have to do it, He could have said, "You know, I really don't feel like being spit on, beaten till I am completely unrecognizable, and humiliated beyond belief in public." You know what made Him lay His life down, to become the ultimate sacrifice? Love, God's love. Love is what moved Him, love is what propelled Him to go and lay down His life for you and I. There's power in love, His love is everlasting, it will never die. My friends, I want to encourage you today to choose who you are going to serve. Are you going to serve the idols of this world or are you going to serve the God of Israel? You have the power to choose and if you choose to serve Him, then serve Him with a heart that is constantly burning for Him. What does it mean to have a heart burning for Him? It means He becomes your everything, everything you think about, talk about, your desire. He wants to be your desire, He wants you to know Him, to have a beautiful relationship with Him. Get in His word and find out what God has to say about the condition of our hearts. He truly loves you and He wants to give you His best. Let Him refresh you with His love and revive you according to His will and His word. God bless you and keep you friends! 

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