Thursday, March 18, 2021

Do Everything In Love


Hello Friends!

       I hope everyone is well this morning. I came across a scripture while reading in my Bible and I want to share what the Lord revealed to me about this scripture. 1 Cor. 16:14, "Do everything in love." What does this mean? Let's think about the words "do everything." Think about what do you do every single day. We all have routines and mundane tasks everyday such as making the bed, making meals throughout the day, some of us have jobs outside the house while others have jobs inside the home. You may have a desk job where you sit at a computer and answer the phone all day. ?You may have to meet with clients, meetings on new projects for the company. You may have a job at a school either working with little children or older children. You may be a lovely homemaker running errands, doing laundry, making sure everything is being taken care of while your husband is working. Whatever the case may be, we all have something that we do everyday. God says we are to do everything in love. So how do we do everything that we do in love? 

      I believe it's about the attitude of the heart, think about it; our attitude is always changing periodically throughout the day. You get a phone call and it's not very good news so you end up getting upset. You go to the grocery store and you say excuse me and that person didn't even hear what you said so it makes you a little agitated. On the job, you have someone that comes in the office and is very rude to you and you might get rude back with them. A coworker says something very hurtful to you about your work ethic or your outfit. There are lots of different scenarios of life, but God is showing us that we are to think in love, speak in love, and act in love like He would. Jesus did and said everything in love, there were even times that He said nothing and walked away. He came and walked in our footsteps of this life to show us that there's a better way to live. Just because we see the world act or speak this way doesn't mean we have to, we are to do the opposite. The world says they mistreat you, you mistreat them, the Bible says love your enemies. The world says they hurt you, you hurt them back, God says vengeance is mine says the Lord. Romans 12:19. Everything that we do, God is constantly looking at our heart, our attitude. Jeremiah 17:10 Also God's word say what we sow, we shall reap. Galatians 6:7 

          So the question is are we sowing love in other people's lives? Are we doing everything in love toward others? If not, we're missing out, the Holy Spirit helps us in our weaknesses. I will be honest, it's hard some days to do everything in love when everything in the world is upside down and everything seems to be confusing and chaotic. I understand people will upset you, the children are not always going to do what they're told or even asked to do. I understand that when you're driving down the road and all of a sudden someone pulls out in front of you or cuts you off, it's a little difficult to be Christlike. Can I tell you something, God knows our weaknesses and He knows we are not perfect. (Whew, what a relief!) Okay so this means that we don't give up and quit trying to be the godly woman God is calling us to be, no, we are to keep trying, but with His help. Without Him, we can do nothing even in love. We have to receive His love before we can give it to someone else or help them. If you haven't been very loving in how you speak, think, or what you have done, it's okay, God has given you another day to help you make it right and to do better. He loves us and wants to help each of us with our weaknesses, let Him do what you cannot do and the yoke that Jesus spoke about will be light and easy. Matthew 11:29 

           My dear friends, I hope that you will pray Lord, help me to do everything in love, that they may see You in me. Help me to take upon Your yoke for it is light and easy. I'm done with trying to do everything in my strength, You do what I cannot. I am surrendering unto Your will and I know You know what's best for my life. I thank You for helping in every situation, every problem, and in every circumstance. Your word is lamp to my feet and light to my path. Help me to please and honor You today in everything that I think, say, and do. In Jesus name, Amen. God bless you and keep you friends! 

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