Saturday, March 20, 2021


What Is A Homemaker?

   Hello friends, I hope everyone is well. Today I wanted to talk on the subject: homemaking. What is a homemaker? What are her tasks? What does God think about a homemaker? Over the years, I have noticed even more now than ever is that a woman is expected to have the perfect career, to be with the right person, have a family, and become this sort of super woman. Women have always been under some sort of pressure, but I have noticed it a lot over the few years that I have been on this planet. Let's find out about this special woman that is called a homemaker. ( by the way, if you happen to be a homemaker, just know I applaud you and commend you because I have always believed that homemaking is a joy!) 

          What is a homemaker? A homemaker is a person who manages a home. A homemaker makes sure that the household is running smoothly and efficiently. She is the person who preps and makes the meals, she sees to the husband and children and their needs. She also keeps God first in her life because she knows that if God isn't first place, her life will be a wreck! She is also the encourager, the helper, the comforter. She knows her role in life and she also has her good days and her not so good days. She may need some uplifting from time to time, but she goes to God for her encouragement and help because He is an ever present help for us. So as you can see being a homemaker is a full time job, she is very busy, but she knows when she needs to slow down and rest so that she can give her best to others. 

       What does the Bible have to say about the homemaker? I'm glad you asked because God has a lot to say about being a homemaker. Titus 2:4-5 says, "Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God." We are to love our families, ladies if you are single and you haven't met your one and only yet, it's okay because you can still apply this to your own family. We are not only commanded to do this, but it helps us practice for when the Lord gives our husbands and children one day. We are to be self-controlled and pure, this means we need God's help to control our emotions, our thoughts, and to help us have pure motives, staying in prayer and God's word really helps. 

       Our job is to be busy at home, God has given us the opportunity to be blessings at home and also out and about with others like running to the grocery store, paying bills, visiting other people, etc. We are to be kind, oh how the world needs more kindness, I have learned there are a lot of hurting people in this world and they need kindness even if it's a smile to brighten their day. 

       We are to submit ourselves to our husbands, God made man the head of the household. Now the husband needs to make sure he is submitting his life to God because God is the One who keeps the marriage together. I have seen this over and over again, the husband will stray away from prayer and reading their Bible, and put God on the back burner and before long, problems start arising and usually it's not good. Now does this mean you are going to have a problem free marriage, no, marriage is a ministry and it takes work and allowing God to do what you cannot. As long as you keep God center in your marriage, He will help you in every problem that arises and guide you on what you need to do and not do in your marriage. 

A homemaker is also a precious woman of God, she depends upon God for her needs, her value, and help. She also learns from God and His word on how she is to conduct her life. She knows what to say, how to say it, and when to say it. Now you may be saying, I'm not good in that area, that's okay because God will help you like He helped Moses. Moses didn't know what to say or even how to say it and God said, "I will help you speak and will teach you what to say." Exodus 4:12 She looks to God for her help, she knows that without Him, she can do nothing. So I wanted to encourage all the homemakers today and the ones that are desiring to be homemakers. God has called us to manage and run our homes. No not every day will be easy, but with God's help He will make a way for us to enjoy the task He has given to each of us! May God bless and keep you friends! Until next time!

( Image is from Pinterest )

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