Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Don't Despise Your Single Season

            Are you a single lady that is looking forward to being married one day? Are you despising your single season and wishing it away? I understand where you are because I am also a single lady looking forward to being married one day soon and I am guilty of despising my single season too until the Lord showed me His way of being content in it. You are probably like me watching everyone else in your family or in your circle getting married or having their little family and wondering when it will be your turn. I have good news for you, it's okay if you are still single. You're probably thinking are you kidding me, how is that okay? I want my prince charming to arrive, I want to experience what married life is all about. I hear you, but God prepares us for marriage in our single season and to be honest, when you finally accept that it's okay to be single, you will find out that you will be content with it. Here's how.

           God prepares us by learning different skills such as cooking, cleaning, managing money, keeping a budget and also serving your family. The Lord began showing me this a couple of years ago. Learning these skills will be very beneficial when you are married and you have more responsibilities than you did when you were single. Also there's a big one that I am learning right now, not to be so dependent upon your spouse for value and encouragement all the time. It's nice to receive compliments and encouragement, but you do not need it all the time from people. Go to God for your encouragement and value. You don't want to become a burden and your spouse has to take several minutes or hours to lift you up. I know that sounds harsh, but it's true that's why it's so important to have a relationship with God. He shows us in His word and in prayer who we are in Him and we do not have to constantly run to people all the time to make sure we know who we are. When we have a true relationship with God where we can come to Him and talk to Him about our needs, problems, and share everything with Him that's going on in our lives (good, bad, and the ugly) we become more dependent and confident in Him that we don't need man's approval. Why? We have God's approval and His approval trumps everyone else's. You will be more at peace, you will have more joy because you are leaning upon the One who created you and knows you better than yourself. 

          So don't despise your single season because you can draw closer to the Lord, work on different skills that are needed for marriage and the home. Also here's a tip if you can work with children whether that be babysitting or nursery and children's church, it will be beneficial when you have a family one day. I have worked at a school for almost eight years and I can tell you it's taught me a lot about children and also different age groups. I am with the little ones now and they are such a blessing to me! I love them so very much and I am thankful that the Lord opened the door so that I could work with children. God always prepares us for what He has in store for us in the future. Learning to make a home is such a blessing, Proverbs 14:1 says, "A wise woman builds her home." How can you build your home if you haven't been taught or had some type of training? You cannot, it won't work nor last. So praise God that you have the time to work on these skills because there will come a day when that will all change.

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