Friday, June 21, 2024

We Have All Gone Astray..

 Good evening everyone,

Image- Pinterest

    I hope you are all doing well. I should be winding down, but I was reading my Bible and there were a couple of scriptures that really stood out to me. They really jumped off the page at me and I thought, I need to write a blog post about this. So here I am at 9:00 at night writing a blog post. This was indeed a spontaneous post and usually, these are the best posts. I pray that this post encourages you with whatever you may be facing right now in your life. I hope you have your cup of coffee or tea with you. I am currently drinking some lemon ginger tea because my throat is a bit sore this evening. Without further ado, let's begin.

     The book of Psalms or Tehillim brings me so much comfort whenever I am having an off day like today. I was on the verge of tears and the Lord spoke to my heart saying, go to My word so without hesitation, I picked up my Bible and flipped it open. I came across Psalms 119:67 and it jumped off the page at me and brought me so much peace and comfort which I needed at that moment. It says, "Before I was humbled, I used to go astray; but now I observe Your word." As soon as I read those words, all I could think about was what I used to be before I gave my heart and life to the Lord. How many times do we need a little reminder of who we used to be before He came into our lives and turned us around? No, we are not supposed to live in the past, but sometimes we need to be reminded and be thankful that we are not who we used to be.

      Like wandering sheep that go astray and veer off the path, He comes running after us to get us back on the path with Him. Friends, I must say that as I am typing this, I have tears running down my face because I am so thankful that He came looking for me even when I did not know Him and now I want to observe His word still. I want Him to be close to me, I want Him to love me even in the worst moments of my life and He will never reject me or turn me away. We serve a loving Father and He is truly faithful even when we are not faithful to Him. He still has His arms wide open waiting for us to come running back to Him when we mess up, when we have bad days, when we don't even know what to do with ourselves. He created us and our hearts and He is the only One who knows us inside and out. He knows more about us than we do. How comforting it is to know that we have a Father who has created us and loved us so much to keep chasing and running after us. 

   I truly love Him and I give my life to Him as a living sacrifice, to be used for His glory. He has truly changed my life for the better and nothing in this world can satisfy the true longing in our hearts like He can. There is anfills emptiness in each one of our hearts and He is the only One that fill that empty space. A beautiful love story between Creator and creation. He is the Potter and we are the clay and He is never finished with molding and shaping us into what He wants us to be. We are a work in progress until He calls each and every one of us home. So friends, now that I have poured out my heart, I want you to know that He loves you too and He too wants to change your lives for the better. There is truly nothing like serving the One true God, the God of Israel. I love Him so very much and I would not be here today had it not been for Him. He has preserved my life time and time again. Oh friends, I wish I had the words to describe how I love Him, but there are no earthly words to describe my love for Him. It really is a beautiful love story between Creator and creation, maybe this will be my next blog post. So be encouraged my dear friends, He loves you so very much! Shabbat shalom dear friends, until next time!

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