Wednesday, May 22, 2024

It's Time to Wake Up From Your Slumber

Good afternoon everyone,

Image- Pinterest

     This is a spontaneous post which means you know it's from the Lord. Just a couple of hours ago, I watched the horrific video of what Hamas did to Israeli female soldiers. I am about to be very raw here, I became angry, disgusted, and hurt. To see young women being treated in such a fashion should not be, this is against all human rights and Hamas should be held accountable for their barbaric actions. No one should ever be mistreated this way, they spoke to them worse than an animal and pure hatred was spewed out of not only their mouths but their hearts. This brings me to my point, it's time for not only society to wake up, but America to wake up and realize to side with evil is evil. We are in not only a physical war but a spiritual war of good and evil. I want us to take a walk down memory lane all the way back to 9/11. I will never forget, I was about 11 years old and I was home sick from school. My mother had received a phone call and the next thing I knew, my mom turned on the tv and I saw the planes go into the twin towers. Now as a child, I knew something was wrong, way wrong. We were being attacked on our own soil and innocent people's lives were in jeopardy. 

    My questions to America and those who support terrorism are, have you forgotten what happened in our nation? Have you forgotten who we pledge allegiance to every single day? We are supposed to be one nation under God, the God of Israel. Tell me how is supporting a terrorist organization okay? Why do we insist on telling Israel how to fight this war with Hamas when really we should just support her no matter what. Tell me why do we think siding with evil is not evil? Why are we condemning Israel instead of supporting her? Hamas stepped onto Israel's land and did what they did and took innocent lives and we honestly think she should stand by and let them do whatever and not defend herself? Have we lost all our moral common sense? What is going to take for us to wake up and realize that this is not okay and that we need to stand and fight for what is right? If you are like me and you serve the God of Israel, then it is your duty, it is a command from God to pray and support Israel. It's not an option, it's a command and if you have the love of the Lord within you, you will not keep silent. I know I cannot, I have been speaking up ever since October 7th and will continue to do so until I take my last breath. 

     Israel needs people to stand with her and support her and speak up on her behalf. Will you be one of the ones to speak up? Will you be like Esther and take a stand for her people? Where are the modern Esthers of this day and time, how long will you be silent on this matter? Can you not see the evil that is taking place, let us not be silent in the face of evil. The Bible says there is a time to speak and a time to be silent. This is not the time to be silent, this is the time to speak loudly. How can we do this? We should pray to our heavenly Father about how we can speak up. Going along to get along is out of the question, this will not help anything and besides this is compromising the truth. Take a stand for the truth and not the lies. Find out the truth, the Lord said, He will lead us into all truth and that is through His word. Find out in His word what He thinks and how he sees the innocent being mistreated. God's word allows us to see His heart and how he feels about things that matter to Him and if it matters to Him, how much more should it matter to us? Friends, please do not think that I am condemning anyone because I am not, I just really feel a call to action in my heart. We can first get on our knees and pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Right now they are hurting and we should be there to comfort them and pray for them. I pray that these words will cause you to pray like never before for our Jewish brothers and sisters and that you will stand with them. May the Lord bless you and keep you. Until next time, Shalom!

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