Saturday, May 29, 2021

Devotion To The Lord

 Good Morning Friends!

Image- Pinterest

    I hope everyone is doing well! I am doing well in fact this is first official day of Summer! I am praising the Lord for some time off to rest, recharge, and most importantly to spend more time with Him. As I was making my cup of coffee this morning, the word devotion kept popping up. I thought, "Hmmm, what does the word devotion mean?" I began pondering and the Lord simply said, "Devotion means to intentionally carve out time to spend with Me." Don't you love how the Lord simplifies things for us when we have a tendency to make it harder? I certainly do, makes my life so much easier when He's in charge. So this morning I want to write about how can we devote more time to the Lord. Before we begin, I hope you have made your favorite cup of coffee or tea, let's dive in!

  So now that I have mentioned what the word devotion means, we need to know why we need to devote ourselves to our Lord. First off one of the commandments is, "Do not have no other gods before Me." Exodus 20:3 Now you may be saying I don't have any gods before God. You may not be aware of it, but you can have other gods before God such as what do you spend most of your time doing? Is it mostly working, on the cell phone, computer, electronic device, a hobby, a certain person or family? Whether we realize it or not, these things can become gods in our lives if we are not careful. Remember God is a jealous God. Exodus 34:14 I love the New Living Translation, "You must worship no other gods, for the Lord, whose very name is Jealous, is a God who is jealous about His relationship with you." Oh this is such a true and wonderful scripture! Think about it, the God of the entire universe wants to spend time with us, flawed little creatures like us. Do you know why because He took the time and energy to create us in His image. His wonderful heart longed for a relationship, to fill that void in His heart, He wanted to connect with someone. Now He didn't have to create us, He could have created anything, but He chose to create us with His hands. In Genesis 1:31 it says, "And God looked over all that He had made, and He saw that it was very good!" Can you imagine God looking at you and saying, "Very good?" We are a true delight to Him and that's why it is so important to put Him first and keep Him first. He loves us and cares for us more that anyone ever could and He deserves first place in our hearts and lives. 

   Now how can we devote ourselves to God? First and foremost, our time, we can carve out time in the first part of our day to Him. This is called our firstfruits, we give our first and best time of our day to Him and that's in the beginning of our day. God always gives us His best whether we know it or not and we should give our best to Him. Another way to devote ourselves to the Lord is thinking about Him throughout our day. Asking Him for His help in difficult tasks on the job, at home, or school. Reading His word and learning about God, what He thinks, what He approves of and doesn't approve. Taking the time to learn how to conduct our lives as a believer in Christ. Also on the Sabbath day, praying and meditating on His word and His creation. I don't know about you, but I am learning to love the Sabbath day, the day that God gave us to rest from the cares of our every day life and take time to be with Him. I look forward to this day every week, I love to spend more time reading my Bible, drinking my cup of tea, and talking to Him. I also love to get outside and either walk or go for a run. I like spending time with family and friends talking about what God is doing in my life! These are a few ways that I try to devote myself to the Lord. I am not perfect by any means, but I try to live according to His word with the help of the Holy Spirit. One more thing, I love to take time to praise and worship the Lord. It's a sacrifice that I believe He loves most! 

  So my friends, I hope that this post encourages you to want to devote yourself more and more to the Lord everyday that He gives you. I want you to know that He loves you and cherishes you. He created you for His purpose to give Him honor and glory in your life on this earth. We are to dedicate our lives to Him, He will truly change your life. I hope that you will pray and seek the Lord about how He wants you to devote yourself to Him, be open to what He says, He may surprise you! May God bless you and keep you! Until next time! 

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