Sunday, May 16, 2021

A Gracious Woman Part 1

Good Morning Friends!

Image- Pinterest

  I hope everyone is doing well this morning. I hope you have your cup of coffee or tea because this particular post, I have had to really dig deep! I am very excited about this blog post because as I was searching and studying the scriptures, this study ministered to me and showed me areas that I need to start working on. We are going to look at a gracious woman's traits, tips on how to apply these traits to your life, and why we need more gracious women in this world. I may have to do more than one blog post to cover all the information. So without further ado, let's find out the traits of a gracious woman! 

 Proverbs 11:16 says, "A kindhearted woman gains honor, but ruthless men gain only wealth." Look at the word "kindhearted." What does kindhearted mean? It means that you have kindness flowing from your heart. You want to help people, you want to speak kindly to others, encourage one another, be polite, etc. So as you can see it's an attitude of the heart. Think about it, we all have different attitudes, some of us can go from one attitude to another within five minutes. ( God is still working on me in this area.) When you are in a group of friends or people and you are chatting happily along and then someone says something that you don't agree with, your attitude changes along with your facial expression. This is usually when the Holy Spirit has to remind me that it's okay for them to have an opinion or belief that you don't agree with. So make sure you ask God to guard your heart so the enemy doesn't try to sow anything in your heart that is not of God. The enemy loves to deceive us with his lies, he'll try sow ill will, anger, contention, complaints, etc. He will sow anything to get us off course. The world needs kindness right now because there are so many people that are hurting. Let's be kind to one another in word and in deed. 

  Colossians 4:6 says, "Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone." Can I just say what a promise the Lord has given us! If we will make sure to let our conversation be full of grace with the help of the Holy Spirit, we will know how to answer everyone. Not just your family or friends or your employer, but everyone! So how do we do this? We do this by speaking God's word and here's a big one, controlling your tongue. Now you and I cannot control our tongue, but God can if we surrender our tongue to Him. Also when we speak, we must watch our tone. Has your mother ever said to you growing up, "Watch your tongue young lady." My mother has on several occasions. Your tone says everything, if you were reading scripture and your tone isn't right, the person who is listening isn't going to be convinced or interested because you're not. I know some days we are not in the mood to be happy and cheerful, but remember someone is always watching whether we realize it or not and if we say or do something contrary to God's word, what does that do to our witness? It ruins it doesn't it? We have to be careful that our words line up with our actions. So let's make sure that we adopt the trait of gracious speech.

 Next trait is a gracious woman avoids using wrong expressions of anger such as: yelling, cursing, harsh sarcasm, and lashing out. Anger is such a strong emotion and we have to submit it unto God because it can get out of control quickly. How do we express our anger the right way? I will never forget, I was mad one day at one of my family members and everything seemed upside down that day. I was so angry that I let my temper get the best of me and I raised my voice and said something that I wish I wouldn't have said. I became embarrassed and took off in my room, I fell to my knees and cried out to God for forgiveness. The Lord spoke to me saying, "The Holy Spirit lives inside of you and you know how to pray in tongues. Pray more in tongues and you will notice a difference in your temper." Can I tell you that I did what He told me to do and still have to do it to this day and it has made a difference in my temper. The Holy Spirit took over my temper and gave me peace and not only peace, but self control through Him. Learning to be a gracious woman is discipline in lots of areas and we need God's help. 

   These are just a few traits of a gracious woman. I don't know about you, but one of my constant prayers is Lord, help me to be a gracious woman. It's hard to do it on my own, but with Him, nothing is impossible. A gracious woman relies heavily upon God to be her strength, to help her in every area of her life. Jesus relied upon the Holy Spirit to help Him and Jesus was a gentleman for sure! So my friends, I pray that this post encourages you and helps you to become the woman or man of God He calling you to become! May the Lord bless you and keep you! Until next time! 

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