Saturday, April 10, 2021

How do I serve the Lord as a Single Woman?

                                                               Good Morning!

I hope everyone has had a good week! Mine was very busy, we had two observations this week, graduation pictures, and it's that time of year when we are wrapping things up before Summer break! We have about a month and half to go, but it's going to fly by so fast! I have been praying the last couple of days about what to write for the next blog post. This morning I woke up and the words, "how do I serve the Lord as a single woman" kept coming to me. So for this morning's topic, we are going to learn how to serve God as a single lady. Before we jump into it, I hope you have your cup of coffee or tea with you, if not, go fix a cup and let's jump in! 

As you know I am single woman right now and to be honest, I would feel embarrassed because most of the young women in my family are married and are starting their families. I would get upset and irritated at the fact that I am 30 years old now and I am still not married much less in a relationship. I would ask God, why am I still single? Why haven't I met the one that you have chosen for my yet? Does he even exist? Am I wrong for wanting to be married? These questions would roll in and out of my head every time I was asked, "Katherine, are you seeing anyone or are you in a relationship right now?" Oh it used to kill me, I would want to melt into the floor right where I stood. I will admit, it still gets to me every once in a while, but I have to remind myself that God is in charge of my life. When the time is right, He will make it happen because I can't or else I will mess it up so I have to rely upon Him. Needless to say, God began to show me the benefits of being patient in my single season. Do you want to know what they are? Okay let's dig in!

Here are the benefits of your single season; you have a lot of time to spend with God  through prayer and reading His word. You have the time to focus on your relationship with God before you say I do. I didn't realize how important this was until the Lord spoke to my heart and said, "How can you have a relationship with your husband if you don't really take time to develop your relationship with Me?" God is the One who can satisfy your every desire not your husband. I used to have this idea that marriage is like a fairy tale and happily ever after. That's far from the truth, marriage is ministry and work and we need God's help in our marriages. First things first is to develop your relationship with God while you have the time because there will come a day when you won't have that precious time anymore and you might have regrets. God wants us prepared as we enter into marriage, that's why He has a timing for everything. A time to grow, a time to mature, a time for preparation, and then when He sees that everything is in proper order then that's when He leads on to the next step. 

Benefit number two: you can practice loving and serving others. In marriage, you will be serving not only the Lord, but also your husband and eventually your children. I not only try to serve my family, but also 15 energetic 4 year old's that need constant attention. I look at it as this is the way God is preparing me not only for my husband, but also the children that God is going to give me. So practice serving others by helping them with the needs that they have such as praying for them, helping clean house, cook, being a good listener, etc. If you do not know how to serve others or what their needs may be, ask the Lord to reveal them to you and show how to help them. 

Benefit number three: Brushing up on your cleaning or cooking skills. If you are single, this would be a good time to take advantage of learning how to clean windows, different rooms in the house, and cooking! I like to cook because you can come up with your own recipes and it gives me satisfaction that I served my family something tasty to eat! They let me know if something is too dry, chewy, or could use a bit more salt and give me lots of advice on how to perfect my cooking skills! 

Benefit number four: Allowing God to work on us and to develop better habits such as self control, not letting bitterness to enter our heart, teaching us what to think, say, and act. Living a life that honors God. It's easier said than done I know, but He helps us to remove those not so good habits that we do not need in our lives or in our marriages. God is gracious enough to work on one thing at a time because He knows that we are human and to work on everything at once would be traumatic for us. He takes us one step at a time and I am thankful for that! 

Benefit number five: Practicing being thankful in all circumstances and living a life of thanksgiving. You're probably thinking that is not a benefit. What if I told you yes it is and it's very important no matter what season you're in. So I will admit, it is easy to complain when everything isn't going your way and all you see is negative. God did not intend for us to live a negative life, I am learning we won't get anywhere with a bad attitude. That's what negative thinking is, it's an attitude and not a good one. Did you know that you can weary God and make Him tired with your words? The children of Israel proved that. Malachi chapter 2 verse 17 says, "You have wearied the Lord with your words." Wow, that's powerful, so my question are we honoring God with our words or are we wearing Him out by complaining and speaking things that are not honoring Him? How can we honor God with our words; by speaking His word, by speaking words that are uplifting, helpful, truthful, and encouraging. I know that's a lot, but it's so important to live a life that pleases Him and reflects Him and that includes our words.

Benefit number six: Living a healthy life. During your single season, you can really focus on making healthy food choices and exercising. You can still do this when you are married of course, but you will have to schedule it in. You can learn how to cook healthy meals for yourself and also others. Over the years, I have learned that I need a good amount of protein, a few carbs, and veggies! My stomach is very appreciative when I do this. I always know when I have eaten a meal that isn't good for me because my stomach will be bloated and I will feel irritable. I also stop eating when I am full not overly stuffed. I practice moderation such as if I want some cake, I will have it, but a small portion. If I want a cookie with my cup of tea, I will have either one or two depending on my hunger level and how close it is to the next meal time. Also I try to drink plenty of water and exercise my body at least 5 or 6 days of the week and have a rest day. Find an exercise that you like and look forward to every day. I like running because of the way it makes me feel. I have always enjoyed running even as a child. There's something liberating about a run to me! If you don't like a particular exercise then don't do it. There's nothing worse than doing an exercise you don't like and just pushing yourself through just because. Find something that you like and will stick to and find enjoyable. Take care of yourself through eating healthy meals and exercise and also rest. Your body will thank you! 

In this picture, I have sourdough toast with peanut butter and cinnamon sprinkled on top with orange juice and a small bowl of Mini Wheats cereal! 

In conclusion, being single isn't all that bad, as I have said, God gives us preparation time for the next step in our life. Some need more time than others, it all depends on what He thinks so enjoy this time while you have it because there will come a time when you won't have this time. Take the time to devote yourself to God, live a life that honors Him, and practice serving others. God will take notice and honor you. God knows what He is doing, He is never late and He is always on time! He has a great plan for our lives so let us enjoy our single season and bring honor to God! May God bless and keep you friends! Until next time! 

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