Sunday, December 25, 2022

The Giver Of All Gifts- The Simplicity Of Christmas

Good Morning Dear Friends

Image- Pinterest- I loved this picture because it reminds me of my own quiet time. Having a cup of tea while reading my Bible.

    I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying this special time of year. I have been pondering on whether or not to write a blog post about Christmas.  I have decided with the Lord's help that I must spread the good news on the meaning of Christmas. Now I know that there are some pagan customs to Christmas such as the elves, Santa Claus, etc. I know that Jesus was not actually born on December 25th, but though the Roman empire tried to make December 25th a pagan holiday, they did not succeed. You may be asking how do you this? I read an article the other day by Rabbi Jason Sobel who spoke about the origins of Christmas and I was very happy to hear that Christmas started out pagan, but there were a few followers of Jesus who wanted to honor Him on that day and that's exactly what happened. It reminded me of the story of Hanukkah where the Maccabees fought for their faith and won. So, with that being said, let's move to true meaning of Christmas and what it's all about and should be all about. Before we begin, I hope you have your favorite cup of coffee or tea with you. 

     So, my friends, let's ponder a thought for a moment. Laying everything else aside from Christmas and pondering on this one thought. Our Father in heaven gave us a gift, a gift that exceeds all gifts, expectations, and leaves us filled with wonder. Our Father gave us Jesus and through Him, we can have a truly remarkable relationship with Him and He can become our dear Friend. A friend that comforts us, cries with us, feels our every pain, walks with us, talks with us, prays for us, makes interventions for us, provides for us, I could go on and on. He came first as a seed in the virgin Mary and then a tiny baby lying in a manger, had to live in Egypt for a while until crazy king Herod calmed down a bit. Then He grew up to become the Savior of the world to all who would believe in Him. He gave us eternal life that we can have now and He restored our relationship with Him. 

     We no longer have to go to a priest, we can to Him one on one for ourselves. He is the Giver of all gifts. What kind of gifts you may be asking, all that is according to His will and the word of God. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. He gave and it's up to us whether or not we receive Him as a gift. Friends, He is worth receiving, worth having a relationship with, worth spending time with every day. He is the Lover of our souls, He wants us to come to Him, to spend time with Him. Our relationship shouldn't be a drag or out of duty, but of out of love for Him. The excitement in our hearts to come and spend time with the Giver of all gifts. So with that being said, I want to say Merry Christmas and cherish the true gift of Christmas, Jesus, our Lord and Savior of our hearts. May God bless you and keep you. Shalom, until next time. 

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