Tuesday, June 22, 2021

When You're Having A Bad Day.

 Hello Friends!

I hope you are all doing well and I hope you have all had a good Father's day yesterday! I want to give a shout out to all the fathers, grandfathers, great grandfathers, the spiritual fathers, and the ones that are no longer with us. May God bless you and continue to help you to be the head of the household and an example of Jesus. I wanted pop on here and write about when we are having a bad day. We all have them right? Yes we do whether we make them apparent or not. Sometimes those bad days can turn into bad weeks, then a bad month, a bad year or decade. I want to encourage you today that it's okay if you are having a bad day or so, but when we you are having a bad day, this usually means that we need to get alone with God. He wants us to draw near to Him and once we do this, He will draw nearer to us. You may say, yeah, but I don't feel like drawing near to God, I just want to be alone. My friend, let me tell you, you are never alone. God is always there right beside you whether you know it or not. God's word says we are not to go by feelings, but to walk by faith. It may seem bleak or hopeless with whatever you may be facing, but God has a way of turning things around. The key is to draw near to Him. If you would like to find out more, keep reading! 

 Jesus had bad days too, He wasn't exempt from things happening to Him or around Him. Remember when He came on the scene, Jerusalem was governed by the Roman empire so the Jews were living in some very harsh circumstances. Jesus had to deal with the Pharisees rebuking Him or trying to correct Him on what He was doing or why. He managed to not only live, but thrive in some very difficult circumstances. He knew that He had a purpose and He had only a certain amount of time to fulfill His purpose. What I am saying is just because our circumstances aren't what we would like them to be doesn't mean we stop living or we start dwelling on them. I myself have been in some tough circumstances before and my question is, "Lord, why?" "Why me, what have I done wrong?" 

   Let me tell you, if you ask these same questions, I want you to stop thinking that it's you or that you are the cause of your circumstances. God sometimes will allow tough circumstances so that we can grow. You may be asking grow? Yes, grow. Grow in faith, grow in trust, grow in His love, we are to grow in Him. Think about it, if you just had a baby and that baby wasn't gaining weight or growing in size, you would probably think something is wrong with your baby and you need to take it to the doctor. It's the same way with us, we aren't supposed to stay baby believers our whole time on earth, we are supposed to grow or as God's word says, "We go from glory to glory." 2 Cor. 3:18 We are supposed to be changing every day, we are supposed to know God better today than yesterday. Do you know Him more this year than last year? Has your relationship with Him gotten deeper? These are the questions we are to be asking ourselves, allowing Him to search our hearts.

   So my friends, it's okay if you are having a bad day or week or so. I just pray that during our pressing circumstances, we growing closer to Him. I want to share with you something that I read last night. This was in one of my devotionals and this is from Psalm 16, "Security is found first and foremost in relationship with my Lord." When I read these words, it brought instant peace and gratitude to my soul! Think about it, we all want a safe place, a place to be loved and cherished. There's only one safe place and that's in our relationship with the Lord. So my friends, next time you are having a bad day or rough week, think in these terms, God wants me to grow in Him. He's testing us and making us grow! I pray that God blesses you and keeps you! Until next time!

Image- Google images

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