Saturday, June 12, 2021

Finding Balance

Hello Friends!


 I hope everyone is doing well! I wanted to come to you today and write about finding balance in life. So what does the word balance mean? Well according to the dictionary, balance means a situation in which different aspects are treated equally. This simply means keeping all things in balance such as: work, home life, the to do lists, relationship with God and others. So let me ask you a question. Have you been stressed out lately, more so than usual? Have you wanted to pull your hair out because nothing seems to be going well? Have you had enough with all the craziness in life? Let me tell you, I understand where you are coming from, for me this past week, I was like this. I was stressed out over all the things that needed to be done this week and I felt like I was in a race against time to get those things finished. I would wake up exhausted mentally and physically and would cry out daily to the Lord, "Help!" So with all that being said, the Lord gave me the word balance. As I began pondering over this word, He began to show me what it means to keep things in proper balance. If you would like to know more about this revelation, keep reading! 

   As I said earlier, I was pretty stressed out this week, but the Lord began to show me how to schedule in some down time. Don't get me wrong, I like being busy, but I don't like it when it gets to the point where I want to pull my hair out. So what are some tips that we can take away from not being so stressed out? Tip number one would be to pray and read your Bible before you tackle any stressful task. Why is that? God helps to keep a proper mindset when we have talked to Him and read His word. I made the mistake of not praying or reading my Bible and jumping into the task and I became frustrated after looking at all the things that I needed to tend to for that day (not a smart move). 

   Tip number two is when you find that you are getting frustrated and stressed out, close your eyes and breathe in and out and walk away from the task for a little while. If you cannot then go to the bathroom for a few minutes to pray and then return back to the task. I know I am always talking about going to the bathroom to pray, but let me tell you it helps especially if you are about ready to lose your cool! For tip number three make sure to schedule in a day or two to rest and relax. I am all about resting and relaxing, this is the reason why I love the weekends. I am not thinking about work, to do lists, or anything stress related. Saturdays are usually my slow days where I can take my time. I love to go for a morning walk and then come back and fix a scrumptious breakfast and enjoy it! I also love to take my time to read my Bible and jot down notes. ( This is usually the time when I get some ideas for blog posts)! 

   Friends, all I am trying to say is God doesn't want us stressed out. Besides what good are we when we are stressed out? We aren't open to Him because we are so frustrated and wound up that we can't hear His voice. 1 Cor. 7:32 says, "It is God's desire that I be free from all anxiety and distressing care." God wants us to be free from the cares of this world that's why He said to cast all our cares upon Him for He cares for us. I know what you're thinking; easier said than done right? I know, it's a struggle for me too, but God is helping me in this area along with other areas in my life. I want to encourage you to keep everything in your life in balance. Don't let your job, work, your family, etc. become your main focus all the time. You will get weary and you won't be able to be your best self for God or for others. So I encourage you to pray and ask God if there is anything in your life that has gotten off balance. If He shows you anything then ask Him to help you keep everything balanced again. My friends, I pray that this encourages you and blesses you. May the Lord bless you and keep you. Until next time! 

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