Sunday, March 7, 2021

My Salvation Story

 Good Morning Everyone!

      I was praying to the Lord this morning and I asked Him what He wanted me to write about today. As I was waiting upon Him, the Lord brought to my remembrance the day I received Him as my Lord and Savior. So grab a cup of coffee and sit down for a couple of moments while I take you back to the day I received Christ. To give you a back story of myself, I grew up in church. We went to church Sunday morning and Sunday night. We also went on Wednesday night as well. Any kind of church function, we were there. I remember helping my grandmother clean the church during the week when it was summer time. I went to Sunday school with my friends and as I got older I went to the youth room and went on youth trip. Even though I went to church, I didn't receive Jesus as my Savior yet. When I was nineteen years old, my life was just beginning. I had just graduated from high school in May and then come December, I turned nineteen. Realty was setting in and I didn't know what to do with my life. I was volunteering at a school (the one that I work at now), helping out at home, going to church, etc. I remember I applied for college and the first couple of classes that I registered for were Bible classes. I thought, "Why not, this could be fun and this may benefit me." Little did I know that it was the first stepping stones leading me to Christ. 

     I received my books for the classes and started doing my assignments. I had to read one to two chapters in each of my textbooks and then read a few chapters in my Bible. After the first week, I began to change. For the first time, it felt like I had come alive and I had a peace that surpassed all understanding. I was so joyful and my life was changing little by little everyday. I couldn't put down my Bible, I was drawn to it more and more! I was very pleased with the changes that were happening to me. It wasn't long before I received Christ. It was September 2010 that I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I didn't have to think about it or pray about it, I knew deep down this was the right decision and I had to do it! 

   Once I received Him, He began to show me His love for me and His beloved church. It was a wonderful experience! I am learning through my relationship with the Lord that everything in our lives is stepping stones even our mistakes and mishaps. You may say, "Well, how in the world could God use my mistakes? He can't save me or get me out of my troubles, they're too deep." Oh yes He can my friend. Jesus said, "In this world we would have trials and tribulations, but to be of good cheer for I have overcome the world." John 16:33 This means that even though we go through life and we have bumps in the road or things to get us off track, it's okay because He died for our sins (past, present, and future) and rose from the grave to give us a relationship with Him. A Christian is not perfect by any means, we are saved by His grace. We don't deserve His grace, but He loved us enough to give it to us even though we deserved His punishment. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice, He knew no human being could pay such a price, that's why He came down as God in flesh. God always has a way of restoring us back to Him. He chose us first before we chose Him. He is a merciful God and I don't care what you have done in life, He can save you like He saved me. In Romans chapter two verse eleven it says, "God does not show favoritism." This means that He loves us all the same and no matter what you have done or what I have done doesn't make Him love us more or less. My friend, when I made the decision to make Him my Lord and Savior, that was the best decision I have ever made. Did my life all of a sudden become easier? No. Did all my problems go away? No. Did my life become perfect? Absolutely not! The difference is that I have The Ultimate Problem Solver, the Healer, a Friend, a Helper, Comforter, Counselor, Mighty God, King of all kings, and Lord of all lords. He came into my life and changed me. Am I perfect, do I have it all together? Oh no, far from it, but that's okay because that's why I cling to Him because without Him, I am nothing. My friend, start praying and asking God if you need to make that decision or if you need to rededicate your life to Him. He won't let you down, it will be the best decision you ever make in your life and you won't regret! I pray that the Lord bless and keep you! 

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