Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Being Persistent In Prayer


Good Morning Friends!

        I am up early this morning listening to the rain. I wanted to write something before I get ready for work and the scripture, "you have not because you ask not" keeps coming before me. So before we dive into how we apply this to our lives I want to ask you a question. Are you being persistent in prayer about the promises that God has given you? Are you praying not only for the big things in your life, but also the small things? Are you praying about everything? I know that's a lot, but those were the questions that I had to ask myself a few days ago. The answer was no, I wasn't praying about the promises that God has given me, no I wasn't being persistent in prayer, and no I wasn't praying about everything. As I was searching the scriptures, the Lord opened my eyes to the fact that I have not because I ask not. Before we go deeper into this concept, go fix your favorite cup of coffee or tea and let's dive in!

         I had gotten to the place where I had fallen off the wagon about praying for the promises of God, it seems like I have been waiting for forever and so to be honest, you kind of forget to pray about them. I have been believing for them, but as far as asking; no. Occasionally, I would pray for my future husband, I would pray that God would help me to be a godly wife, marriage, etc. It didn't occur to me that I am to be persistent in prayer about these things until the other day when the Lord brought me to this scripture. When I saw it, I wrote it down and began to ponder as to what this truly meant so that's when I typed in what persistent means. Persistent means constantly repeated, continually. So that's when I realized it's time to get determined and start not only believing the promises of God, but to ask God, to pray about them to Him. 

     He cares for me and "He watches over His word to perform it." Jeremiah 1:12 God was letting me know that it's okay to pray about these things everyday. I had been under the impression that I didn't want to bother God with those things so I only prayed about them every once in a while. Little did I know that I had listened to the devil's lies. So God had to show me that it's okay to bring these matters before me, I want you to, it shows my dependence on Him and He knows that I can't go a single moment without Him. 

        So if you are like me and you are carrying the promises of God in your heart, I want to encourage you to talk about them to God. Maybe you are waiting for God to send your future husband, maybe you're waiting on a child that God has promised you, a job opportunity, a family member to be saved, whatever it may be, God is waiting to hear from you. I encourage you not only to pray about it, but to find scriptures pertaining to your promise and start speaking them over your life. One of my favorite scriptures is, "He who finds a wife finds a treasure and he receives favor from the Lord." Proverbs 18:22 You are a treasure and you are a gift from God and you will see the fulfillment of God's promises in your life. Right now as we are waiting on God, we are having to trust Him even though we do not see anything happening yet. He is still on the throne and He is behind the scenes working on our behalf getting everything ready for us! So my friends, I encourage you to be persistent in prayer, start speaking the word of God over your life and to have faith in the Lord not your circumstances, not the people around you, not your own understanding, but in God. "Do not lean upon your own understanding but lean on His understanding." Proverbs 3:5-6 May God bless and keep you my friends! Until next time! 

*Image- google images 

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